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Old 01-05-2025, 09:35 PM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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Default Ballard and Steichen are coming back

Colts just released a PR on it.

Hey Jim, better dial up the Covid folks and ask them for all the extra cardboard bodies from the Covid events.

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Old 01-05-2025, 09:37 PM
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Dear Colts Fans:

As we close out this season, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that we failed to win the AFC South and earn a playoff appearance.

There’s a high standard in this city for our team and anyone who steps on the field wearing the Horseshoe. The expectation is to win our division and compete for championships. Just being on the doorstep of the playoffs is not the standard I expect, nor what you deserve. We understand that and always accept the challenge.

Believe me, I know you share my impatience and frustration. I know you invest your time, energy, and money into the Colts every year. More than anything, we want to reward you with division titles and playoff runs, and we’ve fallen short in the most painful ways possible.

But things evolve quickly in the NFL from week to week and season to season, so I will never stop being optimistic that this team can take the next step!

I’ve been evaluating our entire operation, and I believe in Chris Ballard and Shane Steichen and our collective ability to make the improvements needed to take us to the next level in 2025.

I know fans who want an immediate change in leadership will be disappointed. That means we all have a lot to prove, so we’ll get back to work and keep doing what we can to earn your support and make you proud to be a Colts fan.


Jim Irsay
Keep your political crap out of a football forum! Nobody here gives a rat's a**
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Old 01-05-2025, 09:45 PM
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Screw you Jim.
Chillin’ down at the CO2C
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Old 01-05-2025, 09:46 PM
Dewey 5 Dewey 5 is offline
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We’re fucked for the foreseeable future
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Old 01-05-2025, 09:51 PM
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Doing the same thing over and over again….expecting a different result. Insane.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:01 PM
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I hate that I can’t bring myself to follow another team.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:07 PM
Dewey 5 Dewey 5 is offline
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No qb
A head coach that's in way over his head
A shit for brains GM.

Next season is going to suck & when they get off to yet another slow start Lucas Oil will be empty.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Racehorse View Post
Dear Colts Fans:

As we close out this season, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that we failed to win the AFC South and earn a playoff appearance.

There’s a high standard in this city for our team and anyone who steps on the field wearing the Horseshoe. The expectation is to win our division and compete for championships. Just being on the doorstep of the playoffs is not the standard I expect, nor what you deserve. We understand that and always accept the challenge.

Believe me, I know you share my impatience and frustration. I know you invest your time, energy, and money into the Colts every year. More than anything, we want to reward you with division titles and playoff runs, and we’ve fallen short in the most painful ways possible.

But things evolve quickly in the NFL from week to week and season to season, so I will never stop being optimistic that this team can take the next step!

I’ve been evaluating our entire operation, and I believe in Chris Ballard and Shane Steichen and our collective ability to make the improvements needed to take us to the next level in 2025.

I know fans who want an immediate change in leadership will be disappointed. That means we all have a lot to prove, so we’ll get back to work and keep doing what we can to earn your support and make you proud to be a Colts fan.


Jim Irsay
I printed this and attached a note to it Letting Jimmy know he can use it next year at the end of the season again.

But please for the love of God don't retain Gus, that would just guarantee another fucked up season just like this one. Can't stand his cowardly way of running a defense.

Jim needs to get it through his thick skull, you can't keep doing the same old same old and expect a different result. Just plain ass insanity!
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.

Last edited by Spike; 01-05-2025 at 10:18 PM.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:09 PM
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8 years of perpetual mediocrity. Why not roll it back again. I mean, what can go wrong?
Life is hard, its harder if you're stupid.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:09 PM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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Dear Colts Leaders:

As we reflect on this terribly shitty season, we can’t tell you how disappointed we are that we not only failed to win the AFC South and earn a playoff appearance, but just flat out sucked and were a dysfunctional shit show that is mocked by the entire NFL community.

There’s a high standard in this city for your team and anyone who steps on the field wearing the Horseshoe to actually fucking care and to compete. The expectation is to win our division and to win championships, not just to have a flat bill fucko talk bullshit about those things of which he knows nothing about. Just being a disgrace of an organization, one where seemingly each week the rest of the NFL is making fun of us, is awful to be part of. Not even really being close to being a playoff caliber team is not the standard we expect, nor what we deserve. We fully understand from your shitty letter supporting an incompetent arrogant GM with no accomplishments to his name that when you say you really care, you don't and are comfortable with mediocrity and that money is all you really give a fuck about.

Believe us, we know you don't give a shit about our desire to root for a team that is worth a fuck and you don't give two shits about our frustration. We invest our time, energy, and money into the Colts every year, and all you do is stuff soiled undies in our mouths and tell us to swallow the shit. More than anything, we want to say FUCK YOU with empty seats and outrageous protests, and to display our disgust in as many painful ways to this administration as possible.

Things evolve quickly in the NFL from week to week and season to season, so we will never stop being furious that this team, namely you, don't even seem to give a fuck anymore!

We’ve been evaluating your entire operation, and we believe Chris Ballard and Shane Steichen are mostly terrible at their jobs and have no business leading grown men who know that when something smells like shit, it is because it is shit. Our collective ability to make the decisions needed to demonstrate to you that we will reject this bullshit will take the brown grocery bags of old, to the next level in 2025. We just aren't going to fucking pay money to attend this sack of shit.

You know fans who want an immediate change in leadership and aren't just disappointed, they are furious. That means we all have to prove to you that your thoughts that you can just fuck us and there will be no repercussions, are fucking wrong, we are going to trash your revenue stream. So we’ll get to work on organizing no shows, ticket sales to opposing fan bases, and keep doing what we can to prove to you that we are sick of this shit to make you aware it is an embarrassment to be a Colts fan these days.


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