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Old 05-16-2018, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Colt37 View Post
To be fair, Grigson would sign them to 3 yr deals with mass amounts of guaranteed money. I am saying 1 yr deals.

We have too many rookies that need an entire season of playing time to learn. They would still get plenty of playing time and its not like the WRs wouldnt learn anything playing behind Hilton, Bryant and Marshall.

Unless we are all good with another throw away year and sucking it up for another top 5 draft pick in our rebuild mode. But that just throws another year away for Luck. I was fine with the Suck For Luck campaign and last year's Suck For Nelson campaign.... but 2 years of intentional sucking in a row? Who are we now, the Brown?

The only things we lose by digning players to 1 yr deals are.... 1. Loss of playing time for rookies that arent ready for that much playing time anyway. 2. A better record which means a worse draft position. 3. Loss of a late 4th round compensatory draft pick.

But what we gain in return with all that firepower on offense and depth on defense.... with a healthy Luck? That could be a deep playoff run and added value to lure free agents.

Its funny to me to see fans jump on bandwagon ideals, like free agency is not the way to build a winning team. Bullshit. Yes we would rather fraft our studs but studs do become available in the free agency, this Polian mentality that teams never let go of studs is for the birds. It was then and it is now. Free agency helps put teams over the top. Remember the Patriots before and after Randy Moss? You cant rebuild a team strictly through free agency, tje draft IS more important in this regard.... but the free agency DOES help. And for those that think it doesnt then perhaps we should cut Ebron right now because something MUST be wrong with him according to the Polian mentality.... which there is actually somehing wrong with him, drops.

But in most cases its age or the price tag got to high for their original teams and a younger cheaper talent acquired via the draft is ready to take over their role. There was nothing wrong with Hankins or Sheard was there, and we lwt Hankins go for "scheme fit" even though he was still perhaps our best defensive player. He could habe still played the 0 or 1 Tech, but we let him go and some other team can get a stud for relatively cheap.

Ryan Grant was also a free agent signee and sorry if i dont think he is going to amount to much. Not like Bryant or Marshall would amount to. Luck needs 1 more proven weapon at WR to take the pressure off Hilton and Grant is not a proven weapon that will force teams to shy away from Hilton.
Would signing those guys then make it a non-throw away year? Is it any guarantee that they would teach the rookies something that TY, Reggie, and the staff can’t? I just see little benefit of some one year vets who take reps away, reps that could help build chemistry with their new QB. What purpose is chemistry between Dez and Luck if he is gone in a year.

And there was no intentional sucking. They weren’t intentionally sucking for a fucking guard last year. And if you watched the Luck season you would have realized they were bad, very bad and the were gambling with having a bad backup QB. Then when Polian tried to fix it, he signed the slowest release QB in the league. Peyton was the most hit QB in the league after release, and he had a fast release.

We just installed a new coaching staff and a new offense and defense, we are not going on a deep playoff run with a couple over the hill receivers.

Last edited by Chromeburn; 05-16-2018 at 03:59 PM.
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