Thread: so Donald Trump
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Old 09-29-2017, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Pez View Post
To be honest I quoted you directly, but my post was not trying to assume you supported anyone in particular. I was trying to change the subject by asking some generic questions about the facts in our president's tax plan and thereby lead the thread toward a more productive discussion among thinking people.

I agree with your point that there is no longer any difference between the parties, with the exception of a color and a mascot. Democrats want to have control, Republicans want to have control and will become chameleons in order to do so. Life begins at conception but capital punishment is ok. Abortion is a right, but capital punishment is not...

At the end of the day all these fuckers want is our money. At least Trump doesn't hide it. I'm pretty sure that's the Only positive thing I have ever said about him.

I identify as a liberal and not a democrat, though to be honest I'm conservative on some issues (gun control, etc).
When it comes to taxes I am pretty libertarian, taxation is theft. We had roads, bridges, libraries, firemen and policemen before the IRS and the beginning of the giant albatross hanging around our neck. I don't have a lot nice to say about any of them. I am a constitutionality kinda guy. Both sides cherry pick the parts they wanna champion, or cuss when it prevents them their agenda. If it doesn't effect my everyday life, fuck it. If it becomes detrimental to my life and you can't fix it, kill it.

I believe in closed borders, you want to come here and enjoy the American dream it should be hard. It should be damned hard.

A lot of my philosophy falls under the Libertarian flag, but there also a few that nowhere close represents my thinking. Their nap is shit. I 100% condone violence to settle some issues. When confronted with aggression my philosophy is meet it head on with an unspeakable evil that would make the devil quiver in disgust.

I am not that much different than you, or any republicans. I just have a different approach. Life is way to short for sugarcoating anything. Stand up for what you believe in, and be prepared to kill or die for it. Compromise is surrender, or consent. I come from a military family. Father was a sniper in Korea, grandfather was a firearms instructor in the Navy. My oldest brother was Navy and my little brother a Marine. I tried to join the Marines, but I had 5 knee surgeries by time I graduated high school and failed all 3 physicals.

I know some on here think I am asshole, it's fine I won't lose sleep over it. I just refuse to change for sake of change, and I won't be politically correct to keep from hurting someones feelz. Just a regular ole guy who refuses to be bullied into some cause just because it's the latest miscarriage of justice in a never ending line of injustice.
Life is hard, its harder if you're stupid.
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