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Old 09-11-2023, 09:10 AM
JAFF JAFF is offline
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Originally Posted by Racehorse View Post
Let me guess, you think it is 100% man-made.
No, climate change is part of the evolution of the planet. Iran and Iraq were more like Indiana and Ohio than their present state, could be compared to New Mexico or parts of Arizona. The Earth had a wobble from the asteroid hit that killed the dinosaurs. As it slowed, the climate of that region changed.

We know, from a century of data collection, that the CO2 AND CO levels have been increasing. They show a direct relationship of change, CO2 increases as the planet increases the combustion of carbon fuel.

Things we can do now.

1 stop cutting down forests and paving over crop land. Plants are the best way to take CO2 out of the air and replace it with O2. In the 20+ years I have lived in Indiana, thousands of acres of farmland have been paved over for houses and malls. This is happening in many nations around the world. We need the trees, grass, and crops.

2. Use less oil and gas. Set home thermostats higher in summer and lower in winter.

3. Hybrid vehicles are something we could do now. Give a big tax cut for buying energy efficient cars.

4. Nuclear power, not using breeder reactors. France has cheap energy using a reactor system that does use enriched uranium. We dont need more nuclear bombs, their are methods that are safer. Build these plants at old coal fired plants that have been shuttered. Access to the electrical grid is in place.

Oh, and let the US Navy run the reactors. They have the best safety record when it comes to operations. The big corps will bitch about it, but their safety history sucks.

If we decrease our use of oil and gas, the arabs fucked. They cant feed themselves, and their income is decreased dramatically.

All of this is possible. Stop funding the arabs, and WE set the price of oil.

Increasing our production will make it a little cheaper. Lets stop funding the arabs and uses a system that benefits US right now.

That is a simple list of things that can be started NOW.
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