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Old 06-12-2023, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by JAFF View Post
Please stop it. 20+ boxes of classified documents stacked in a bathroom shower at his golf coarse? They have his lawyers notes describing his criminal activities,. The tape recording of him demanding Georgias lawmakers “finding 11,00 votes”.

Jesus Christ. He’s his own worst enemy. He is the the prosecution‘s best witness. Why haven’t Trump’s lawyers literally gagged him with a giant towel over his big pie hole to prevent him giving more information to the prosecuting attorneys???

Riddle me this, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Why doesn’t his Attorney General go after her and put her in jail for the computer server?

The link above explains why trumps lawyers had to turn over their notes on the documents issue because they caught them in a lie. They claimed all of the documents have been turned in. Then they found out they were more documents. So what that means is the Trump lawyers because they were found to be lying. Had to turn in their notes to the court and that meant also to the prosecutors Trump is up to his neck in trouble because they lied to a federal judge. These documents also make the prosecution’s case that Donald Trump miss handled secret confidential documents multiple times

Basically Donald Trump needs to stop living a life of crime because he sucks at it.
You act like the Clintons are good people. You crack me up! Get a life, and forget politics. You have no principles, if you only attack one side, and ignore all the behavior of the other side. It is juvenile thinking, to be honest.
Keep your political crap out of a football forum! Nobody here gives a rat's a**
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