Thread: Swoope to IR
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Old 09-04-2017, 06:41 PM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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Originally Posted by omahacolt View Post
What the hell are you talking about
What I am talking about is a similar deal to when Edge's knee injury was played down and ultimately turned out to be a torn ligament. Similar to when Bob had damn micro-fracture surgery and for what like 8 years or something we were never told how serious his situation was and the company line was steadfast that he was coming along well and could be back at any time.

In Edge's case he was none too happy with the Colts for the misdiagnosis and I recall there being some bad blood that the injury may have been made worse by him practicing after dr's botched it.

To me, and this is just my read on his demeanor and nothing more, but Luck doesn't strike me to be the type that would want to play this game but would instead want to be free spoken about what is taking place.

This team has consistently been really bad about acknowledging the severity of injuries and then playing coy with the truth afterward. I used to think it was a Polian thing, now I think it's an Irsay thing and it has everything to do with butts in seats.

You tell me, what are they gaining by being this clandestine and playing all these games??? This insanity with the HC saying he hasn't even seen him throwing (there may be some truth because I am not sure Chuck even attends practices at this point...) and Luck basically saying nothing at all- it all just seems so damn idiotic. Look we know his shoulder has been injured, so does every DC, so does all 11 guys opposite the LOS from him on every single snap- it's the NFL, that shoulder is going to be a target now. What, by not talking about it are these guys NOT going to come after him to see if he's damaged goods????
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