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Old 04-12-2022, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Hoopsdoc View Post
Why do you guys insist on doing this?

I made no comment on whether what Kap did was as bad as what anyone else did. I made no comment AT ALL about that.

Yet, you want to imply that I’m saying kneeling for the anthem is worse then domestic violence.

It’s REALLY annoying and it makes it look like you have nothing else to offer. That you really have no argument beyond an emotional response.

It’s really really simple-Kap would be in the NFL if he was good enough to be worth the blowback a team would get for signing him.

That’s the bottom line.

You can have whatever opinion you want about whether that blowback is warranted or not.
Its because virtue signaling is all they have. Bottom line is Kaep sucks at QB or he would be playing football. The NFL is a business and if he was good enough to be in the limelight, he would be. Sometimes the answer is so simple that others just can't accept it without injecting their feelz into it, like their feelings are important. News flash, they're not when it comes to the bottom line.
Life is hard, its harder if you're stupid.
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