Thread: Get vaccinated
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Old 07-09-2021, 01:07 AM
AlwaysSunnyinIndy AlwaysSunnyinIndy is offline
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Originally Posted by Lov2fish View Post
Dipshit, I spray conversion coatings everyday. one of the most toxic chemical coatings available. My respirator system is not some shit you Joe Blow homeowners get at Home Depot.

Hahahahahaha. You keep digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole.

Based on this thread, it appears that you can only do 3 things:

1) make up statements and present them as fact. Again, the comment that it is easier to win the lottery jackpot than die from COVID-19. It took all of two minutes to look up the odds on the Hoosier Lottery, MegaMillions and Powerball websites to prove that was complete BS.

2) make assumptions about me and my family. You made assumptions about how my relatives died. Those assumptions were wrong. Now you are making assumptions about my occupation. Again, you are wrong.

3) make insults - this is really the only thing it appears you are good at.

I got a laugh out of the conversion coatings comment. That was quite funny.

I am not some "weekend warrior" where I purchase some random chemicals from Home Depot to use at home.

For most of my life I have worked in industrial chemical plants. I have worked with chemicals that are way more hazardous than conversion coatings. Not one. Not two. Almost every chemical I deal with is more hazardous than conversion coatings.

For example, some of the chemicals that I work with are covered by the Chemical Weapons Convention. I had to give a tour of my chemical plant to an international team of auditors to demonstrate that we were not stockpiling the chemicals for chemical warfare. That audit was an interesting experience. Before the audit team showed up, we had an advance team from the FBI, the Department of Defense and Department of Commerce show up at our plant to brief us about the audit - what to expect and how to exhibit compliance with the treaty. Let me guess - you have had the exact same experience, right? With your conversion coatings? LOL

I have to get fit tested every year with a full face mask. I wear it nearly every day at work with supplied air (no disposable type masks nor filter cartridge masks will work with these chemicals). I don't have to wear a mask with supplied air all day long - but during certain tasks and activities throughout the day.

It looks like your job is more of the weekend warrior type. Maybe you work with chemicals that are a little worse and a little more hazardous than what you find at Home Depot, but not that much based on a few SDS's that I looked at. However, if your workplace doesn't have an adequate ventilation system or proper engineering controls, I understand that bad things could still happen when using conversion coatings.

Last edited by AlwaysSunnyinIndy; 07-09-2021 at 01:54 AM.
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