Thread: Trump is gone
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Old 06-24-2021, 05:45 PM
JAFF JAFF is offline
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
Jaff, you and your liberal friends are what is wrong with this country. Little things that don't affect you or me trigger you. You posted a lot of shit against Trump that doesn't affect me one damn bit. Is that all you got? Yes, I have a big damn problem with athletes who take a knee during the national anthem, why, because my whole family and friends fought in wars for that national anthem, pricks like you want to disrespect it. Yes, we take a knee for the one and only Great Jesus Christ, it's not the same thing you ignorant POS. Why don't you go waste your time kissing the ass of that transgender POS who wants to burn the American flag if she/he/it gets to the podium. My daughter married a black man, who I greatly respect. You and the people like you, Don Lemon, Chrissy Cuomo, Oprah, Beyhard, and well the list goes on and on are the problem in this country.

If you don't like this great country, move. Nobody is stopping you.

You love to bash Trump, but you say absolutely nothing about Biden/Harris who are fucking you and me. You are nothing but a fucking puppet. Grow a set set of balls dumb ass.
It is not possible to disrespect this country when you exercise one of the essential freedoms which is the freedom of speech.

Taking a knee is not disrespectful. When I pray I take a knee. And no it doesn’t bother me when someone burns the American flag. It makes me wonder why are they so pissed off to do this. So I want to hear what they have to say rather than damn them without listening.

I don’t have to be equal and fair when talking about Donald Trump and comparing them to his opponent. I’m not a big fan of either of the Democrats, but they’re not the big problem right now. When you have a former president who is impeached twice and then spent the last days of his office creating a huge lie about the election.

After four years the American people will have a chance to make a decision about having a new administration or keeping the old office holders. Let’s just hope we don’t have another attempted coup.
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