Thread: Trump is gone
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Old 06-23-2021, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by JAFF View Post
I'm a lifelong registered Republican and would like to buy you a drink. I will never vote republican as long as the party identifies with Trump. Trumps legacy will be 600 000 dead Americans due to a lack of leadership and denial.

No one man has done more damage to this country than Trump.
This is complete BS.

Man Jaff, you are so delusional. Typical liberals keep shitting on Trump for no damn reason. Hard working Americans were doing well under the Trump administration.

Yet you and the other liberals give a pass to people like Biden and Harris who are basically fucking this country over. Other countries feared Trump (which is really good for us), they laugh at Biden (which is really bad for us). Democrats and in fairness, some republicans are pathological liars.

If you can't see that America was way better off under Trump than this current administration, there's no helping you.

The democrats and the media (especially CNN) are the ones ruining this country, Trump wasn't.

Yeah, but the Orange man is bad because the media keeps feeding you that BS.

H.R. 1 didn't pass, thank God. Hell yes you should have a valid ID to vote and how in the hell is that suppression? What do these democrats think, black and latinos aren't smart enough to get one? But really, that's not the case, they want illegals and criminals to be able to vote for THEM. The Democrats will do anything to get their non American agenda into office, and they don't give a damn about a free and honest election.

Just thought I would throw this in here. Give Atlanta back the Baseball All Star game. They moved that game to Denver, who has a majority of white people and the same damn laws that Atlanta put into affect. Who did the MLB decision hurt, black business owners, that's who. The sorry ass media keeps feeding the public lies and people don't do enough research to fight back.

Here's a little quiz for you Jaff, name me a few democratic ran cities/states that are doing better than South Dakota, Florida or Texas. I use to live in California, but moved the hell out because the democrats were killing me financially and emotionally. Who runs California, Newsome, Pelosi, Watters. All democrats and they taxed me to the point of no return. California use to be a great state, not anymore. SF and LA are shit holes now. Both cities look like 3rd world countries. Damn shame.

Here are the two guys I would vote for if they ran in 2024.


Why? Because they care about America and have common damn sense.

Having said all that, I don't like all republicans either.

So you can sit here and spout out all of your shit Jaff, I'm just not buying it.
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.
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