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Old 08-26-2020, 02:43 PM
Pez Pez is offline
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ok, so this thread is "Dont vote for Biden - Harris".... Thats cool, typically I would be more interested in reasons to vote for someone rather than knee jerk reason to vote against someone (here they come to get my guns!).

I found a list the other day:

1. Trump said he would impose a hiring freeze on federal employees
- Nothing has happened on this since April of 2017.

2. Trump said he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it.
- no, thisa did not happen. Trump has built 93 miles of wall and you and I have paid for it.

3. Trump said he would deport all undocumented immigrants
- no, this hasn't happened, nor has he even come up with a cohesive immigration policy

4. Trump said he would eliminate gun free zones at schools
- No, barely any progress. Some say he didnt want to create any new gun laws because the NRA likes things the way they are. the Last part is conjecture, but there are still a lot of gun-free zones in schools

5. Trump said he would invest $550 billion in infrastructure
- no, none of that happened

6. Trump said he would balance the budget "fairly quickly"
- No, 2017 was $503B, 2018 was $779B 2019 was $984B... I dont even want to think about 2020, at least there was a portion of 2020 that would not be his fault (entirely)

7. Trump said he would release his tax forms when an audit was completed
- yea, that never happened

8. Trump said he would enact term limits
- nothing but crickets

9. Trump said he would increase the size of the Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers.
- there are currently 475,000 soldiers in the US Army, unchanged since 2016. Trump actually diverted military funding to build his 93 miles of wall (state of emergency). Note that the border between US and mexico is 1954 miles long. He has spent $11 billion so far, $20 million per mile, and he has 1856 miles to go.

Lets give him a bit of credit for the economy. He has kept the ship from foundering, one has to admit that the actions of his predecessor had something to do with it, but sure, lets give him some credit. I do think it's incredibly foolish to cut taxes in a growing economy, but surely he has people around him that would help him understand how it all works.

Oh, those people around the last 3.5 years, his staff has had a turnover rate of 89%. 40% of these positions have turned over more than once.

But yea, there is a microscopic chance within a microscopic chance that Biden might take your guns. Hard to risk it.

(credit to Leigh Morris, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Aug 2020)

Oh, forgot, he was suppossed to repeal and replace Obamacare. He didn't do that either. He actually promised that twice... once when he was elected and again on Fox news about two months ago. His first promise seemed in good faith, his second promise was just complete bullshit.
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