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Old 08-13-2020, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by HoosierinFL View Post
Partly the issue was that in the beginning they had no idea there was symptom-free transmission, meaning people could be positive with the virus, not experience symptoms, and still transmit this virus.
The advise originally was "if you are sick, quarantine yourself and wear a mask if you have to go out" which was before they discovered symptomless transmission.

Oh and you're wrong about the history of masks. Up until the early 1900s, doctors did not wear masks nor did they wash their hands, and were offended when it was suggested that they should do both.

The closest things to masks before then were those weird bird masks they wore during the plague, but that was just based on the "bad air" myth (the masks contained perfumes and incense thought to cleanse the air) and the plague was bloodborne anyway (fleas) so those didn't work at all.
They knew that there was asymptomatic transmission. Listen to the Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Michael Osterholm from March:

He mentions it at around 1:20 in.

They just didn't have the supply of masks to handle a huge public demand at that time.

Dr. Osterholm is a great person to listen to and learn from. He is not political. He only wants to find out the truth, the data, and let the public know what that data and truth is.

He did a good interview about the effectiveness of masks a little while ago as well.

Last edited by Maniac; 08-13-2020 at 06:02 PM.
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