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Old 07-07-2020, 11:04 AM
Ironshaft Ironshaft is offline
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Honestly, I am licking doorknobs trying to get it.

Yeah, there is a chance that I could get serious medical compilations from it or die, but I can do that at a MUCH higher risk percentage while driving to work every day. Have you seen some folks driving?

Yeah, if I get it, there is a chance that I could pass it to someone else. That is true of EVERY communicable disease on the planet. COVID is no different. We cannot completely change our lives based on a chance...and, honestly, a unbelievably small chance as long as the person you are interacting with is under the age of 75 and does not already have serious health issues.

Herd immunity hits when 93% of the population has the virus. I am just trying to do my part of helping us get there as a nation.

At 51 and with some of the "risk" factors (high blood pressure, high blood sugar), I knew that life would not be risk free.

I rate this about as dangerous of my getting skin cancer due to spending too much time outside without sun block as a teenager building tennis courts for my summer job. It might happen and it might not but I don't think the risk is higher for me dying from COVID, honestly.

And, my personal pet theory, if it were not an election year, this would have passed with about as much concern as when 85,000 Americans died during the 2018-2019 winter from the flu. No news articles. No national freak out. This fear mongering is primarily an effort to effect a Presidential election. If it were in a non-election year...

My personal freedoms don't end where another person's fears begin.

Last edited by Ironshaft; 07-07-2020 at 11:07 AM.
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