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Old 12-03-2019, 11:41 AM
rm1369 rm1369 is offline
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Originally Posted by Chromeburn View Post
Why would you trade considerable assets to get a marginally better QB? I don’t mean make a bad deal to get a qb. Get a franchise QB, if you have to trade assets this year do it. It’s the single thing that is really holding this team back. If you don’t think there is one then that is a different matter. There are a lot of QBs in the next draft, someone will turn out. Up to them to identify who that is. This team has a good starting core and an absolute shit ton of money. They should be able to address the QB position.
I think we mostly agree. If there is a guy you believe is a franchise guy then yes get him. I just don’t agree that they should definitely take the highest rated QB they can get or that it’s a given they “should be able to address the QB position” this draft. You say someone will turn out and I agree. And a couple will end up no better than JB, possibly even worse. If they believe one or two guys are franchise QBs and they can get one then great. If they believe three or four guys are franchise guys then they probably need to re-evaluate their idea of a franchise QB. My point is it is by no means a given they can get their top guy or even 2nd choice. Once you get to your 3rd choice is it really because the guy is great? Or is it because you need him to be great? Teams make that bad calculation all the time. They need a franchise QB, but they can’t force one to be available.
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