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Old 08-17-2019, 11:17 PM
ChoppedWood ChoppedWood is offline
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Was there today.

QB play was very solid including Walker, and Kelly is kind of a problem; a great problem to have but a real roster count problem. He has a command that I don't even see from JB, he directs things, he has a sense of confidence about him that is something you want, he looks people off, he has excellent timing on his drop downs. The pass he threw down the seam that was called back due to the hold was outstanding. He threw a number of passes that hit players exactly where you want the ball to keep them in motion (so did Walker on the whif by Pascal- that was a strike!). This will be an interesting position to see how it shakes out as it sure looks like Luck is going game 1, so can we stash him on PS and it just be Luck, JB, and him on the side to keep an extra DB, WR, TE- hell an extra OL?

This group of WR's, these TE's with Reich now really feeling it, this is going to be filthy. Had a great mid level seat, and unlike years, even a year like last year where it just didn't seem we had separation, we have separation guys extraordinaire now. These drags, rubs, crosses- if the OL gives the QB, especially luck the time to let the plays develop- free runners like mad. Watching these plays, even the ones that didn't go, it looked every bit like the Eagles team that won the SB- the design even in a PS game was nice. You look out and you've got 2 wide Right, a small guy like Hines or Pascal comes in motion sets up off the line outside the OT and a giant guy like Ebron or MAC is suddenly matched up out wide on a 5-9, 185 DB in single coverage, and they can't bring safety help because now you've got someone like Hines coming down the seam at the 2nd level. Sick! To me, if we get the same caliber of play we got last year from the OL, this could very well be the best passing game the league has ever seen and that's not hyperbole.

Of specific note:
Cain- I see why they are so high on him- to me that guy looks like a bigger version of TY. He moves like him, he is what I would describe as SUDDEN. If he can stay healthy and become consistent, he could very easily emerge as Reggie Wayne to TY's Marvin Harrison.

Funchess- could we have a 2nd year in a row Ebron situation? He just bullies DB's off the line and for a guy I never really thought could separate, he was getting away from guys today.

Johnson- he looks big, he just has that look of a big guy that can go get it and that little delayed screen he showed he's got some shake-n-bake for a bigger body. We could do a lot worse than him being 5/6 (Pascal has to be a bit worried after that horrible play late in 2nd Qtr).

TE's- shiiiiit, I watched a lot of fb, I've wasted enormous parts of my life watching this stuff, I've seen some deep TE rosters across the NFL- don't think I've seen anything like this. There are at least 3 guys that could start for probably 20 of the 32 teams and the 4th is probably a high level 2nd stringer for some others. I see why they like Travis so much, he executes routes and that is a strong ass man. Pre-game they had a video of Ken Dilger and he hit the metal thing- Travis reminds me of Dilger, and that's a nice compliment. MAC that is just a gigantic human and he can move.

Mack- I am probably on the high end of the register with Mack compared to many. I like his overall game and feel that healthy he can be a very solid compliment to this explosive offense. I am not sure what we have behind him though and that's a worry given his history. Williams displayed some burst but he doesn't strike me as a RB1.5 in the event Mack gets hurt. Foreman to me just looks like a huge dude who is going to serve in the very limited role of bruiser and nothing else. I like what Hines brings but he is going to be a specialty asset that is not suited to getting 15 carries a game.

Defensively, I think we look pretty solid. I saw a lot of plays where we played to keep the ball in front of us and close hard, and I thought we did it well and forced a few long 3rds as a result.

So many accolades going the Maniac's way but dude, there is literally something freakishly amazing about this guy's recognition of where the ball is going to be- he is insanely intuitive. The mid-1st qtr little bounce where there was the hold as the RB bounced to the right outside the pocket- watch that replay if you can- he reads the RB's hips- BEFORE THEY move- he is literally just standing there waiting for the RB to end up exactly where he knows he is going to end up- insane!

Turay, was a man tonight. There were some plays where he was falling back into the flat and playing sort of "zone" and took the pass away, he looked the part. Shoot me for saying this so early and this is an all-time great, but I see some Terell Suggs in him.

Autry- agree, looks like a serious interior lineman that can cause disruption almost every snap.

Banogu- did not see him getting much done. Seemed easily stopped at the line and was not showing up in other phases from what I saw. Looked like he needs a lot of specialty work.

On the flip side- Obum Gwacham who I had never even heard of, this guy flashed out there to me. Granted it was late and who knows if he was playing against some dude's charity grandson "roster time", but he looked like he could get into the backfield pretty quick. I liked seeing him make a couple plays later in the game.

I am going to mispell it, but Ocreake, and Speed, you can see they have game. They need experience but watching them out there later in the game, they play well off one another and they both appear to be pretty advanced in terms of setting up the D and putting people in position. I will say I was sort of dismayed at how easily the Browns hit us underneath- these guys need to clean that up quick.

I like the DB's, the Yasin interference- he has to get his head around, but he had the coverage. Desir, he is just a baller, he too seems to have a great instinct for where the ball will be and he uses that to break up balls in situations that otherwise don't look like such great coverage.

Agree on Hooker, it was wonderful to see that break and run down. Geathers just looks oppressing- he looks like a smallish linebacker that is going to smack you for getting to his level. Between those two I like it.

Late in the game that challenged PI, I don't know who that guy was either, I think it was # 39- that was tremendous coverage, some of this shit with these calls is just absurd.

Overall, I came away looking at a team that I think is solid from top to bottom that with the right leader under center, has to be considered a very serious contender for the title. I posted a couple weeks ago about how big we looked and how I liked it, seeing it in the flesh, it's very real, this looks like a group of men that can just come out on the field and get physical on you in a hurry. I don't think I ever felt that way through the Manning years, even the years with Bob, Marlin, Haden back there and with guys like Brackett and June in the middle while Freeney and Mathis dominated up front- it still felt like we were so speed oriented then and if we didn't get the lead and allow our speed to shine we had problems. To me this team looks like a team that can go without scoring 5 times in the first half and still be leading 7-0 and the other team feeling like they have an elephant sitting on their chest. Though we lost this did not have the feel of some of those older Colt squads that just went through the motions in PS. This had the feel of some guys that KNOW they SHOULD be on the squad given how good they are but also know they are a part of a group of 3/4 at the position that know the same and one of them is going to get the pink slip. I like it a lot!
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