Thread: Gerald McCoy
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Old 06-11-2019, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Oldcolt View Post
You have some good points which is why this isn't a slam dunk and is fun to think about when there is nothing else football going on. I just disagree and think that Ballards is a better way forward. We were not a John Simon away from beating KC and i would rather have the young guys play. McCoy is on the way down as a player, plays the wrong defensive tackle spot and with so many team needing defensive line help ended up signing for 8 million. We have tried the fans tried and true way of signing big time free agents and ended up being shit. While it may be fun to bitch about 'lost' opportunities I personally could not be happier with how the build is going. Ballard spends money wisely (Houston and Funches were not especially cheap). We are going to be happy some day that we have it to, for instance, keep this offensive line together. Finally nobody has any idea whatsoever how good this defensive line is. I read this space all the time and I cannot remember one person saying how good our cornerbacks were (just the opposite) or that we had a top 5 offensive line (which we most definitely do have) last year at this time. These guys are mostly young, we are committed to youth with a huge emphasis by coaches on technique. These guys were drafted for high character, ie they are coachable and work hard. Somebody will make a jump. I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Good post. Not overly emotional and stated your opinion succinctly. Some could learn from your style.

Also, you made valid points. It comes down to philosophy. You (and I) like Ballard's philosophy because it has a vision. Others do not like the vision he has, but prefer to add more expensive pieces. If we were one piece away from being SB champs, then we should spend what it takes. However, most who think we need Suh, McCoy, et. al. are the same ones who say we have a severe lack of talent on the roster.

mods, can we close this thread and make those guys above get a room?
Keep your political crap out of a football forum! Nobody here gives a rat's a**
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