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GoBigBlue88 10-17-2017 07:16 AM

Quick thoughts - Titans
1. Again -- if you view Brissett as a high-end QB2, you won't get your hopes up. He's still better than Hasselbeck ever was, but he's too inconsistent and indecisive. His receivers did him no favors, of course.

2. Among the many things Dam will ignore because Pagano can do no wrong: Marlon Mack had a monster first carry. He had one carry after that. For some reason, the coaching staff thought he was much more effective as a decoy and split out wide. Dumb, dumb, dumb. But it's Ballard's fault somehow, I'm sure.

3. I'm more or less done with Donte Moncrief and Jack Doyle. Both can still have good plays and series, but I think we've seen who they really are by now. Doyle got paid and has lost the edge he played with. Moncrief just continues to be OK with being OK. You can't really bench either because the talent behind them is still worse, but long-term? Pass.

4. TY Hilton took a lot of heat last night. Maybe it's deserved, but I always think that's dumb without seeing the tape first. I would guess Titans bracketed him and Chudzinski drew up nothing for him because his offense has speed options and keepers but no creative use of its best player, of course.

5. (I would mostly guess that Hilton was bracketed because the seam was wide open, but chucklefuck Jack Doyle made a mess of that all night long. If he doesn't fumble that first catch in the second half, it's probably a different game.)

6. Another dumb thing Dam will insist wasn't dumb: Quincy Wilson being inactive. Melvin goes down and Pierre Desir has to step in. Desir passes off coverage way too early and Colts get beat for the backbreaker TD. Yes, Hooker is ultimately the most responsible for the play, but it started with Desir not challenging/occupying the receiver long enough. It would be nice if that was Wilson in instead. Oh, right, but Wilson can't play special teams, right? Because a free agent you brought in three weeks ago and some guy named Chris Milton can, and Pagano's failed project TJ Green can be converted to a special-teamer overnight, but clearly Wilson can't be taught the intricacies of a coverage unit over the course of several month. FOH, coaching staff.

7. Maybe Le'Raven Clark isn't that bad and this coaching staff just doesn't know how to evaluate players whatsoever. Just maybe.

8. This team's ILBs are so bad that I'm half-convinced they could be replaced overnight and you wouldn't see any further drop-off in play. I don't get the point of Antonio Morrison at all. He's abjectly the worst LB I have ever seen in space. And as a thumper? He's great at taking out his own players, but Titans RBs carried him for a ride all day. The only reason Morrison is on the roster over Edwin Jackson is because Morrison was drafted. Probably at Pagano's insistence.

9. Pagano still has no sense of timeout strategy and clock management. Which is the GM's job, probably, according to Dam.

10. Look, we could go player-for-player, and even guys like Malik Hooker don't escape the shit list last night. But let's talk about the real issue: this franchise doesn't look to offer any redemption any time soon.

Yeah, Luck will come back. At some point. Maybe not until mid-late November at this point. Who knows? Great.

They'll still have the most lame duck coach in the history of lame duck coaches. They'll still blow coverages left and right because this defensive coaching staff is atrocious. They'll still commit a billion penalties because this team is utterly undisciplined. They'll still blow blocking assignments, drop passes, fumble balls and miss tackles because this team plays with zero refined technique (again -- coaches).

I just don't get what Jim Irsay is trying to sell long-term. I think he believes he is retaining your money by misinforming so much around Luck, but that ship has sailed, so now he has what we're seeing each week. And we're seeing the same bad movie each week, which is roughly the same bad movie we've seen for two years now.

I don't get how Irsay believes this status quo keeps fans engaged whatsoever. His logic seems to be "I can't make a move unless it's a big move!" Putting aside my fear that his definition of a big move is a big in name value only (NO JON GRUDEN!), it's beyond frustrating how he continues to commit to the same flawed logic path over and over again out of ... what? Some desire to be the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers, or show loyalty?

Pagano and these coaches are jokes. Everyone knows that. But the larger issue is that we just can't trust Irsay to make sound football decisions. He needs a Bill Polian type to make those decisions so he can dress up like Willy Wonka and dry-hump million dollar guitars or whatever.

Short of finding an actual responsible adult to run this ship and empowering him to do so, I only see further disconnect between HC-GM ahead, and more of this team in the SportsCenter Not Top Ten.

Luck4Reich 10-17-2017 07:53 AM

Dam would change this site to

DrSpaceman 10-17-2017 08:08 AM

No pressure the second half even though it was obvious Marriota could not move.

The stupid decision on Marlon Mack and two carries

Why the HELL was quincy Wilson not on the field?

I have to hand it to Gruden, most announcers just pussy foot around with their comments, he pretty much has the colts nailed. Now idea how much he watches them, but accurate on many counts.

How many double digit blown 4th quarter leads do we have to watch before Pagano gets fired? Its ridiculous. Week after week, same thing.

The game is 60 minutes long and they play about 45 good to decent minutes, then they suck.

The LBers could not cover my 95 year old grandmother.

Jack Doyle, horrible game.

As an OC you HAVE to find a way to get TY Hilton the ball, even if he is double covered. DO something to get the ball in his hands.

Same with Marlon Mack. Even on the one good run he did have, it was up the middle when really he is more of an outside runner.

I have little hope of them getting that 4th down conversion

Stupid penalties to extend drives.

Moncrief with another dropped TD.

The Jags D is just going to beat this team bad.

GoBigBlue88 10-17-2017 08:10 AM

Actual Chuck Pagano postgame quote: “Yeah, we’ve got to figure out a way to probably get [Marlon Mack] the ball more.”

omahacolt 10-17-2017 08:13 AM

Ballard is the gm. He doesn't need anyone over him. I don't see irsay really interjecting too much.

DrSpaceman 10-17-2017 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 34565)
Actual Chuck Pagano postgame quote: “Yeah, we’ve got to figure out a way to probably get [Marlon Mack] the ball more.”

really? You think so CHuck?

Especially now that Turbin is hurt.

GoBigBlue88 10-17-2017 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 34566)
Ballard is the gm. He doesn't need anyone over him. I don't see irsay really interjecting too much.

I think something in the power dynamic has to change. Clearly, there's still disconnect between HC and GM. Unless Irsay says "no, this is totally Ballard's show and the HC has to run it", there needs to be someone who gets both guys on the same page.

DrSpaceman 10-17-2017 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 34568)
I think something in the power dynamic has to change. Clearly, there's still disconnect between HC and GM. Unless Irsay says "no, this is totally Ballard's show and the HC has to run it", there needs to be someone who gets both guys on the same page.

There is an easy way to do this

Fire Pagano and find someone Ballard works well with

Coltsalr 10-17-2017 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 34566)
Ballard is the gm. He doesn't need anyone over him. I don't see irsay really interjecting too much.

Irsay insisted that Ballard keep Pagano for this season.

That’s a less than ideal start and an interjection to begin with.

Maniac 10-17-2017 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 34565)
Actual Chuck Pagano postgame quote: “Yeah, we’ve got to figure out a way to probably get [Marlon Mack] the ball more.”

What a moron. I wish someone would just walk up and punch him in the face every time he says something stupid like that. It would make watching his press conferences so much better.

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