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Spike 08-14-2020 07:56 PM

Don't vote for Biden and Kamala Harris.
If you love your constitutional rights don't vote for these two clowns, they will take them away. Just two fucking idiots that will destroy America. I am a gun owner and they won't take them away from me, as long as I am still alive.

Oh yeah, fuck CNN, the View and MSNCB.

Maniac 08-14-2020 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165905)
If you love your constitutional rights don't vote for these two clowns, they will take them away. Just two fucking idiots that will destroy America. I am a gun owner and they won't take them away from me, as long as I am still alive.

Oh yeah, fuck CNN, the View and MSNCB.

Trump has been shitting on your constitutional rights since taking office, but you don't seem to mind that.

BTW, the whole "taking your guns" thing is fear based propaganda. Biden is on record saying he supports the 2nd ammendment. Quit believing all the propaganda.

Trump is a con man. You're literally falling for a con if you believe all the bullshit and lies coming out of that dude's mouth and twitter account.

Spike 08-14-2020 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 165909)
Trump has been shitting on your constitutional rights since taking office, but you don't seem to mind that.

BTW, the whole "taking your guns" thing is fear based propaganda. Biden is on record saying he supports the 2nd ammendment. Quit believing all the propaganda.

Trump is a con man. You're literally falling for a con if you believe all the bullshit and lies coming out of that dude's mouth and twitter account.

Really? Then why is Biden and Harris trying to get rid of the 2nd amendment? I like you Maniac, but don't be a fucking sheep for these dumb asses. Biden has said he's coming after the NRA, fuck him.

Spike 08-14-2020 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 165909)
Trump has been shitting on your constitutional rights since taking office, but you don't seem to mind that.

BTW, the whole "taking your guns" thing is fear based propaganda. Biden is on record saying he supports the 2nd ammendment. Quit believing all the propaganda.

Trump is a con man. You're literally falling for a con if you believe all the bullshit and lies coming out of that dude's mouth and twitter account.

Serious question, how has Trump been shitting on my constitutional rights? Give me examples please.

Spike 08-14-2020 11:03 PM

Crickets, I thought so. Anybody who supports the left needs to move to Cuba. Look at Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NY and California. All run by democrats and those places are garbage. Luckily I live in a city in California that is conservative.

Maniac 08-14-2020 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165913)
Crickets, I thought so. Anybody who supports the left needs to move to Cuba. Look at Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NY and California. All run by democrats and those places are garbage. Luckily I live in a city in California that is conservative.

LOL Are you serious? You post and immediately expect me to respond as soon as you hit "submit"? You can't be serious.


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165911)
Really? Then why is Biden and Harris trying to get rid of the 2nd amendment? I like you Maniac, but don't be a fucking sheep for these dumb asses. Biden has said he's coming after the NRA, fuck him.

He isn't. The NRA is not the 2nd amendment. The NRA and it's shady russian money and influence can go away and it won't have any effect on us owning guns at all.


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165912)
Serious question, how has Trump been shitting on my constitutional rights? Give me examples please.

really quick examples...

He has been violating the emoluments clause in the constitution since he took office. He is using the office of the president for personal gain. He uses Mar-A-Lago, they rent out the whole place and bill the taxpayers. That money goes to his corporation. He has tried to get other officials to use Trump properties. He pushed hydroxychloroquine as President when he was invested in a company making it. Those are violations of the emoluments clause.

He also tried to say that the President had total authority over the governors to open states back up when they shut down over covid. He said : “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that’s the way it’s got to be. … It’s total. The governors know that.” He thought he could subvert state's rights.

He tried to delay the election and got rebuked even from his own party for wanting to do that.

The list goes on and on and on. He is a liar and a con man. You're getting suckered by someone who doesn't give two shits about you and your rights. He just says a few key phrases to instill fear like the whole "taking away your guns" lie. Stop falling for the lies.

This is the last post I'm going to make on this, because I'm quite sure that no matter what I post, you're not going to believe it.

Oldcolt 08-15-2020 01:10 AM

Why is this on a Colts board?

Spike 08-15-2020 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Oldcolt (Post 165916)
Why is this on a Colts board?

I don't know. I got drunk and felt like posting here. What else is there to talk about now? But you are right, wrong platform for politics. Smitty or Puck can delete this thread if they wish to.

Spike 08-15-2020 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 165914)
LOL Are you serious? You post and immediately expect me to respond as soon as you hit "submit"? You can't be serious.

He isn't. The NRA is not the 2nd amendment. The NRA and it's shady russian money and influence can go away and it won't have any effect on us owning guns at all.

really quick examples...

He has been violating the emoluments clause in the constitution since he took office. He is using the office of the president for personal gain. He uses Mar-A-Lago, they rent out the whole place and bill the taxpayers. That money goes to his corporation. He has tried to get other officials to use Trump properties. He pushed hydroxychloroquine as President when he was invested in a company making it. Those are violations of the emoluments clause.

He also tried to say that the President had total authority over the governors to open states back up when they shut down over covid. He said : “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that’s the way it’s got to be. … It’s total. The governors know that.” He thought he could subvert state's rights.

He tried to delay the election and got rebuked even from his own party for wanting to do that.

The list goes on and on and on. He is a liar and a con man. You're getting suckered by someone who doesn't give two shits about you and your rights. He just says a few key phrases to instill fear like the whole "taking away your guns" lie. Stop falling for the lies.

This is the last post I'm going to make on this, because I'm quite sure that no matter what I post, you're not going to believe it.

I don't agree with everything Trump says or tweets. Is he a liar and a con man, hell yes he is. But what politician isn't?

Do you really think the democrats give two shits about you?????

I live in California and it is run by democrats. Newsome, Waters, Harris, Pelosi etc... SF use to be a great city and now there is shit on the sidewalks.

I only voted for Trump because I hated that corrupt POS Hillary. I personally don't trust anyone in the political arena. The only one I know who I can trust is myself. I just don't like the leftist agenda. Maybe I am just stupid and my wife would probably agree with you, well, not probably, she would definitely agree with you all.

Look Maniac, I only want what is best for this country and I am sure you feel the same way. Is Trump perfect, hell no he's not. He's just better than some of the democrats running against him. That's my final word on the subject.

Dam8610 08-15-2020 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165911)
Really? Then why is Biden and Harris trying to get rid of the 2nd amendment? I like you Maniac, but don't be a fucking sheep for these dumb asses. Biden has said he's coming after the NRA, fuck him.

Biden doesn't have to go after the NRA, the New York AG is doing a fine job shutting them down without Biden's help.


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165912)
Serious question, how has Trump been shitting on my constitutional rights? Give me examples please.

That amendment right above the second one. You know, the first amendment. Trump has shat all over that.

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