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Lov2fish 06-24-2022 10:19 PM

Scotus on a roll
Freedom being dealt the last couple days.

They strike down New-York's draconian gun laws, which has a domino effect across the country, so Americans win. The 2nd. amendment is not a suggestion, nor open for interpretation, whether the current idiot and chief likes it or not, it is absolute.

Overturn Roe V Wade, as it should have been 50 years ago. They didn't ban abortions, they said that there is nothing in the constitution establishing or protecting abortion rights. Anyone who has an IQ above 60 knows it was a farce protecting it under the 14th. amendment. So now the 10th. amendment prevails and the decision is returned to the states.

If people actually read it, they would shit themselves at how little power the government actually has, legally anyway. By good men doing nothing they were complicit in the tyranny of the federal government. People became comfortably numb to the atrocities.

Making me wish I would have followed my original career to become a constitutional attorney. Got me digging into the upcoming docket for the Supreme Court! Hooray America, someone finally comprehends what was written!

Racehorse 06-25-2022 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 233171)
Freedom being dealt the last couple days.

They strike down New-York's draconian gun laws, which has a domino effect across the country, so Americans win. The 2nd. amendment is not a suggestion, nor open for interpretation, whether the current idiot and chief likes it or not, it is absolute.

Overturn Roe V Wade, as it should have been 50 years ago. They didn't ban abortions, they said that there is nothing in the constitution establishing or protecting abortion rights. Anyone who has an IQ above 60 knows it was a farce protecting it under the 14th. amendment. So now the 10th. amendment prevails and the decision is returned to the states.

If people actually read it, they would shit themselves at how little power the government actually has, legally anyway. By good men doing nothing they were complicit in the tyranny of the federal government. People became comfortably numb to the atrocities.

Making me wish I would have followed my original career to become a constitutional attorney. Got me digging into the upcoming docket for the Supreme Court! Hooray America, someone finally comprehends what was written!

The biggest win here are states rights. They have been trampled for so long that most people forget they ever existed. With Roe v. Wade ruling, now people can move to the states that agree with their political ideologies, and peace can be attained in this country for once.

JAFF 06-26-2022 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 233182)
The biggest win here are states rights. They have been trampled for so long that most people forget they ever existed. With Roe v. Wade ruling, now people can move to the states that agree with their political ideologies, and peace can be attained in this country for once.

So we can relive 1860 - 1864. Terrific

Colts And Orioles 06-26-2022 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 233211)

So we can relive 1860 - 1864 ...... terrific.


That will make Cartman happy ......


Hoopsdoc 06-26-2022 04:30 PM

Saw this on another board. Thought it was funny.


Calm down, Liberals. No one is coming for your abortions. We just want common sense abortion control. Complete background checks, including a mental health evaluation. The person seeking an abortion must be recorded in the National Abortion Registry, accompanied with their payment of a $200 tax stamp, and a mandatory wait-period. Assault abortions after the 1st trimester or when a heartbeat is detected, will be outlawed. Abortion seekers will face a limit on how many abortions they can have, after all, no one needs more than one abortion.

Lov2fish 06-26-2022 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 233211)
So we can relive 1860 - 1864. Terrific

You're an idiot.

JAFF 06-26-2022 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 233217)
You're an idiot.

Coming from you simply proves my point. People leave there homes to find a place more equitable. Splitting the nation in half. Great, the commies couldnt do it, so we do it to ourselves.

Lov2fish 06-26-2022 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 233220)
Coming from you simply proves my point. People leave there homes to find a place more equitable. Splitting the nation in half. Great, the commies couldnt do it, so we do it to ourselves.

It's not the civil war. They don't have to leave, they can stay, just might not be able to get an abortion depending on state. Nobody is advocating owning other people against their will, so yea, you're an idiot. Actually I am being insensitive to idiots by lumping you in there.

What part of that ruling wasn't just, legally speaking. Nobody gives a shit about feelz, just on the legal base of it being overturned was 100% the correct decision.

If a pregnant woman is on the way to an abortion clinic and gets murdered the perpetrator is charged with double homicide. Why is she not charged if she makes it there? Fucking hypocrites. The same fucking retards hollering my body my choice are the same people who wished me death cause I wouldn't let someone inject my body with an experimental drug at their behest. Fuck them.

Lov2fish 06-27-2022 11:57 AM

And another ruling this morning. Confirmed high school coach can indeed pray before or after a game. Before you scream religion you should understand the separation of church and state (Which by the way is not in the constitution) It means the institution can not promote/endorse religion of any kind. The inhabitants are free to practice whatever religion they choose. So many people get this one fucked up, mainly cause they lack remedial comprehension!

rcubed 06-27-2022 03:44 PM

Power to the states! then you say this...


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 233171)
Freedom being dealt the last couple days.

They strike down New-York's draconian gun laws...

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