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GoBigBlue88 11-12-2017 05:29 PM

Quick thoughts - Steelers
1. Look, I'm not trying to start off vulgar for the sake of it, or edgy or whatever.

But fuck Rob Chudzinski. Seriously. Fuck that guy. Get him away from this team. I put the vast majority of this loss on his braindead, predictable-as-shit offense that went run-run-pass almost every drive of this game and completely minimized the ability to get the ball in the most dangerous players' hands.

I actually thought they ran the ball to set something up for the second half, thinking Chud would ever call plays with anything but the immediate drive in mind. They were getting the Steelers to crash in on all of these interior runs and completely abandon the edge. This was SCREAMING for a quick screen out wide, or a bootleg, or a sweep with some fake element designed, or even a read-option keeper.

So what happened? Chud just kept going run-run-pass right into the middle of the defense in the second half, too. He took advantage of nothing he set up.

It's simply inexcusable that this team continues to shit its pants in the second half, and I put so much of that on the coaching staff. Remember, Chud is Pagano's dream hire, so Pagano endorses all of this.

It's inexcusable that the two best players in space -- TY Hilton and Marlon Mack -- never get the ball in space.

It's inexcusable that Chudzinski is still an offensive coordinator for this team, really.

Fuck that guy.

2. I don't fault Jacoby Brissett for much today, believe it or not. He got a little shellshocked and started dropping his eyes, and he still needs to learn to put some touch on passes out of the backfield. But c'mon ... that offensive line was ridiculously bad, and Chud's gameplan totally set him up for failure.

Don't look for me to place any of this game on Brissett today.

3. Fascinating to watch how the defensive edge attacks Gore vs Mack. They essentially ignore Gore most of the time and keep going for the QB. They crash Mack instantly.

A smart offensive coordinator would do something with that.

4. Imagine ever playing Kamar Aiken over Chester Rogers. Again, Pagano.

5. Imagine being mad at TY Hilton for calling out this shitty offensive line and convincing yourself Hilton is the problem.

No, this is a shitty offensive line. Kyle Kalis today? Seriously? Jeremy Vujnovich all season?

It's part talent, for sure. But these guys go through 2,000 linemen who jump offsides, hold, can't read a stunt for their lives. So it also leads me to believe it's coaching.

6. If you expect me to put any of this loss on the defense, you're going to be disappointed. I thought the defense played exceptionally well. Pagano just has unrealistic expectations for how this team can/should win games. He coaches the team he wants to have, versus the team he has.

That said, a few individual accolades:

Rashaan Melvin has easily played himself into another contract.

Matthias Farley may not be a playmaker per se, but he does all the little things and stays available to play. In a dream world, yes, I'd like a more dynamic safety. In a world where the Colts have to improve so many other spots, I'm pleased with what Farley offers at the position for next few years.

TL;DR: I'm not concerned with the DBs. There are spots where they can upgrade, but as always, the defensive issues almost all come down to ILBs and pass-rush. And pass-rush is at least somewhat better, although they need better DEs (hurts having Henry Anderson out) if they're going to only rush four most of the game.

7. Chuck Pagano's accountability culture is so much bullshit as long as TJ Green continues to be on the roster and playing. Oh sure, cut Vontae Davis and make an example of him, but put TJ Green back in to commit another awful penalty right after committing the single dumbest penalty a Colt has committed in the last 3 years here.

Also good time to remember that Green was Pagano's guy and Pagano banged the table to draft him.

8. Rigo Sanchez's season will be lost in all of this, which is a shame, because he's made Pat McAfee irrelevant.

In all honesty, this team has way bigger coaching issues than talent issues. I genuinely believe that. So it really comes down to whether or not you have faith in ownership/management to rectify that situation, or to bungle it.

With Jim Irsay, I'm not holding my breath.

DrSpaceman 11-12-2017 05:41 PM

I still think Brissett has to learn to play against the blitz. You see it week after week with him. Other teams bring pressure and he is shut down.

No I don't blame him for the loss. But have to be able to score in the 4th quarter. Last 3 weeks, how many have they scored in the 4th quarter? Zero I think? Multiple times with the ball and a chance to retake the lead here and vs Cincy, they fail.

I know the OL is not good and Chud does him no favors, but we have to stop kidding ourselves that Brissett is not part of the problem.

TJ green just has no excuse for being on the team. Stupid play week after week

Rogers should have been playing more for the past month. Great game by him

Still not using Mack the way they should.

And yes Chud sucks. ANd Pagano sucks.

I agree about the D playing well. That's a high powered offense and a great QB, they basically gave up 13 points. Once again the offense hands the other team 7 points with the deep turnover at the ten. There is talent on this D. I'd like to see what a good coach could do with it. I really don't think the D will miss Vontae Davis, whatever happened there. Desir even made a huge play on the INT.

Team actually played well today overall though. really didn't expect a close game. A moral victory I guess, but its still hollow when you have chances for the upset at home.

6 more games. At least we get a break next week and don't have to watch another loss.

DrSpaceman 11-12-2017 05:43 PM

Last line you stated does sum it up "more coaching issues than talent issues". A good coach and this is at least a .500 team right now even with all the injuries and still fighting for this admittedly bad division

Racehorse 11-12-2017 06:26 PM

This team is close to contending. Yeah, they will lose badly to the top four or five teams in the league, but good coaching puts this group in the playoffs and gives us a shot at winning it all.

daedge 11-12-2017 06:58 PM

Couldn't agree more with you regarding Chud. He makes Pep look phenomenal.

YDFL Commish 11-12-2017 07:09 PM

Chud is still running the 1995 U offense for christ sake.

Also very good point about Mack and Hilton rarely getting the ball in space. But I could add Rogers and Moncrief to that list as well.

I hate, hate, hate, watching Chud's boring unimaginative offense week after week.

Maniac 11-12-2017 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by daedge (Post 40576)
Couldn't agree more with you regarding Chud. He makes Pep look phenomenal.

No he doesn't. They're both pathetic. Pep just had a healthy Luck for a longer period of time to cover up his screw-ups.

daedge 11-12-2017 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by JesusChrist (Post 40639)
No he doesn't. They're both pathetic. Pep just had a healthy Luck for a longer period of time to cover up his screw-ups.

They're both terrible, but Chud is worse.

Chaka 11-13-2017 01:46 AM

Some credit should be given to Pierre Desir this week, who's come out of nowhere and again seemed to be up to the task this week. It seems like he's been given some tough assignments over the last couple weeks and he's held up well. Great interception on the second play of the game.

Maniac 11-13-2017 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by daedge (Post 40653)
They're both terrible, but Chud is worse.

No, he's just more recent in your mind. They were both horrid. Pep was no better than Chud is. Neither of them make any adjustments to take advantage of matchups. Both are/were horribly predictable with play calls. Pep just had Luck there so when his calls resulted in the team being down, they could just let Luck be Luck and he would bring them back many times. That wasn't Pep, that was Luck.

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