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omahacolt 02-05-2017 05:44 PM

so Donald Trump
this guy sure seems to be a piece of shit doesn't he?

daedge 02-06-2017 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 1496)
this guy sure seems to be a piece of shit doesn't he?

Regretting voting for him?

GoBigBlue88 02-10-2017 08:57 AM

I've been putting it this way: I may have disagreed with policies of past presidents (Obama's furthering of Patriot Act, Bush's war agenda / Patriot Act birthing etc.) but I always viewed these presidents as legitimate presidents, respected them for it, and would gladly shake their hand if I ever met them.

I don't view Donald Trump as presidential or representative of America in the slightest. I would not shake his hand.

FatDT 02-10-2017 11:00 AM

Just a figurehead for Stephen Bannon's insane vision for the US. And he (Trump) will make a shit ton of money in the process, which is probably why he went through with this in the first place.

Coltsalr 02-10-2017 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by FatDT (Post 2229)
Just a figurehead for Stephen Bannon's insane vision for the US. And he (Trump) will make a shit ton of money in the process, which is probably why he went through with this in the first place.

That, and he's 70 years old and eating/fucking can't be his only entertainment anymore.

Might as well add being President to his legacy for the lulz.

GoBigBlue88 02-10-2017 12:23 PM

Shit like this legitimately terrifies me, though. It's not just that we're dumb. It's that we're WILLFULLY dumb:

omahacolt 02-10-2017 01:14 PM

It is refreshing to see pretty much everyone (other than old scared white people) stand up against this shit. And these congressmen passing his cabinet through are in for a rude awakening come election time

rcubed 02-10-2017 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2239)
Shit like this legitimately terrifies me, though. It's not just that we're dumb. It's that we're WILLFULLY dumb:

He has been masterful at manipulating the dumb. He knows that all he has to do is sling some shit out and a lot of people will believe it no matter what. They wont take time to research anything he says. Even when presented with the actual facts, they just believe what was initially stated.

Indystu2 02-10-2017 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by rcubed (Post 2254)
... knows that all he has to do is sling some shit out and a lot of people will believe it no matter what. They wont take time to research anything he says. Even when presented with the actual facts, they just believe what was initially stated.

Says the execs running CNN, CNBC, NPR ..... meaning they do the same thing.

rcubed 02-10-2017 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Indystu2 (Post 2259)
Says the execs running CNN, CNBC, NPR ..... meaning they do the same thing.

you forget to call them 'liberal media' in your post.

quick question - why didnt you include fox news in your list?

edgeman 02-10-2017 05:19 PM

Educate yourself and don't rely on cable news channels. They are only going to tell you the parts they want you to hear. It's up to you to get the real truth.

If there were an all out civil war, race war, etc. they ALL would be perfectly fine with that. Ratings my friends.

And stay away from the political mems. While some are funny AF, most are completely false and outright lies.

GoBigBlue88 02-10-2017 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Indystu2 (Post 2259)
Says the execs running CNN, CNBC, NPR ..... meaning they do the same thing.

What would you hold as a legitimate news source? I have a feeling the answer might be pretty terrifying.

I think a big problem with the world nowadays is we can be so insular (which is where willful ignorance stems from). You can live in a bubble and surround yourself with the news YOU want to hear. Facebook algorithms really seemed to amplify this in the past two years, but it's always been there (the "just watch FOX News" crowd, for instance).

rcubed 02-10-2017 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by edgeman (Post 2279)
Educate yourself and don't rely on cable news channels. They are only going to tell you the parts they want you to hear. It's up to you to get the real truth.

If there were an all out civil war, race war, etc. they ALL would be perfectly fine with that. Ratings my friends.

And stay away from the political mems. While some are funny AF, most are completely false and outright lies.

I try to read from a variety of sources - CNN, BBC, Fox, weed out the opinion spin and you can usually get to the meat of most stories.

omahacolt 02-10-2017 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Indystu2 (Post 2259)
Says the execs running CNN, CNBC, NPR ..... meaning they do the same thing.


this guy. here is why stereotypes can be completely accurate

Colts And Orioles 02-11-2017 04:12 PM



Puck 02-12-2017 10:32 PM

Brylok 02-12-2017 11:37 PM

Trump is a reprehensible human being, in league with Moscow. Today's Republican party is the greatest threat the United States has ever faced. I honestly doubt that our republic will survive.

GoBigBlue88 02-13-2017 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Brylok (Post 2422)
Trump is a reprehensible human being, in league with Moscow. Today's Republican party is the greatest threat the United States has ever faced. I honestly doubt that our republic will survive.

Naw, too many checks on the executive branch and too much Constitutional grounding for that to realistically happen. There would have to be the sort of big bang event no one could ignore to catalyze anything like that, IMO.

That said, it's crazy seeing what the GOP has co-opted to win in my life time. Hope they're enjoying that W...

Brylok 02-13-2017 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2424)
Naw, too many checks on the executive branch and too much Constitutional grounding for that to realistically happen. There would have to be the sort of big bang event no one could ignore to catalyze anything like that, IMO.

That said, it's crazy seeing what the GOP has co-opted to win in my life time. Hope they're enjoying that W...

I hope you're right. Buckle up nevertheless. It's going to get very ugly/violent. Summer is coming.

rcubed 02-13-2017 03:21 AM

John oliver show was hilarious and scary tonight.

edgeman 02-13-2017 03:47 PM

It's funny. I remember 8 years ago sitting back and thinking what a bunch of crazy dimwits that the far right wingers were.

And now today I'm sitting here and saying the exact same thing about most of the lefties, except these folks are far worse.

The right wingers needed tin foil hats, these lefties need a padded jail cell.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Indystu2 02-13-2017 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by rcubed (Post 2268)
you forget to call them 'liberal media' in your post.

quick question - why didnt you include fox news in your list?

Allow me to correct myself, all MSM.

Indystu2 02-13-2017 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2280)
What would you hold as a legitimate news source? I have a feeling the answer might be pretty terrifying.

I have a variety of websites that I visit. I read all of the spin and opinion and generally find that the truth is in small bits from each source. I use those bits to form what I think to be the truth until proven otherwise. Comparing the specific sites out there is pointless, they all have an agenda. I try to unplug the matrix cable from the back of my head as much as I can. It is amusing that 8 years ago nearly half of the country was asking how could anyone vote THAT guy and today half of the country is asking that same question! One side goes to ballet box to voice their displeasure and one side likes to riot in the streets to voice theirs.

Flame on guys!

GoBigBlue88 02-14-2017 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by edgeman (Post 2482)
It's funny. I remember 8 years ago sitting back and thinking what a bunch of crazy dimwits that the far right wingers were.

And now today I'm sitting here and saying the exact same thing about most of the lefties, except these folks are far worse.

The right wingers needed tin foil hats, these lefties need a padded jail cell.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Are we talking the same right that has co-opted Alex Jones, Breitbart etc. as the informational sources this WH runs on?

Look, while I agree furthering political and partisan divide makes the problem worse and does nothing to address the larger problems (we should be listening to each side and understanding WHY they're concerned/catalyzed), this is a particularly bad time to suggest that the dynamic has flipped.

edgeman 02-14-2017 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2546)
Are we talking the same right that has co-opted Alex Jones, Breitbart etc. as the informational sources this WH runs on?

Look, while I agree furthering political and partisan divide makes the problem worse and does nothing to address the larger problems (we should be listening to each side and understanding WHY they're concerned/catalyzed), this is a particularly bad time to suggest that the dynamic has flipped.

I agree that we need to listen and make every attempt to understand why they're concerned. I however find that a difficult proposition when they themselves aren't reciprocal.

Calling anyone with an opposing view a racist, misogynist, xenophobe, etc. tends to degrade conversations.

Rioting is a non-starter.

Proper dialogue is difficult in of itself when individuals disagree on the small things... these topics are life altering to some...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

sherck 02-14-2017 09:42 AM

As most of you know, for the first time in my adult life (7 Presidential election cycles), I did not vote for a Presidential candidate this time. I felt that neither person running for R or D were worthy of the office. Both were failures in both character and policy vision.

I would offer a couple of things for folks to think about.

#1 Support of the U.S. Military would be required for the republic to falter or end and the U.S. Military will not be a party of that action. I was active duty for 8 years and have now been a civilian employee of the DoD for 14 years (4 year pure civilian stint in the middle) and I can tell you that there is zero appetite within the military to do anything other than protect and defend this nation and its political system AS LAID DOWN by the Constitution. Remember, the oath of service of a military members is to "Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Not defend the government or the administration; defend the Constitution and the republic. The current political views of whichever administration is in control at that time have little effect on the U.S. military as a whole (except when they use the military as a social experiment lab).

#2 Trump won 2,626 out of 3,113 counties in the U.S. (84.36%).

That also corresponds to him having won 3,156,470 sq miles of U.S. land mass out of 3,797,000 sq miles (83.13%).

While he did lose the popular vote by over 3 million voters, he lost the state of CA by over 4 million votes. In the other 49 states of the union, over 1 million more people voted for him than for Hillary.

Trump won only 12 of the largest 100 counties (i.e. the cities).

You can decide however you want that he is "illegitimate" or somehow "stole" the election but a huge number of folks in the vast majority of the nation voted for him.

#3 I have now worked in cyber security for the Air Force for more than six years. While I can give no evidence on this forum, the narrative that the Russians "hacked" the election are pure fiction. The Dems terrible candidate, faulty assumptions, horrible election strategy and abandonment of one of their previous core voting blocs (working class whites) is what doomed them to lose to the weakest Republican candidate that the party has put up in decades.

#4 I personally think that Trump's administration will be a disaster. I think Hillary's administration would have been equally a disaster. Why? Because neither have the character, morals or ethics to be better than a disaster. Character matters. Folks who lack ethical character cannot but be a disaster in whatever they do. Folks with superior character and ethics will succeed no matter what they do.

#5 Luckily, there is not much that the federal government does that effects the daily lives of the average American. The decisions of the people in our lives, the companies that we interact with, the organizations that we choose to associate with and local governmental decisions effect our daily lives in much, much greater proportion than do the decisions of the Federal government. As the framers of the Constitution intended.

#6 In the words of poet Edward Fitzgerald "this too, shall pass" (quoting a much older Persian proverb).

So, Freaks, live your lives, love those around you and thank your God that Grigson was fired as GM of the Colts.


DrSpaceman 02-14-2017 12:30 PM

Well sherck pretty well sums up my feelings as well

I voted for Gary Johnson. Wasn't the perfect candidate, but better than the two other idiots.

The Russians and god knows what other countries have been trying to influence elections for a long time. 2008 and 2012 as well, both had the same type of reports of Russians influencing or stealing info from the democrat and republican election committees. No different than this year.

Trump is an arrogant idiot. Clinton was a power hungry idiot capitalizing on her husband's name, some way George W Bush did with his dad's name. Neither really "deserved" the job.

GoBigBlue88 02-14-2017 12:52 PM

I'm sorry, but comparing Clinton's faults to Trump's faults feels incredibly weak to me.

One would be a President you disagreed with but could live with keeping the executive branch alive until you can vote for a better candidate 4 years later.

The other already has the executive branch in shambles, is embarrassing the country on an international stage and is making a mockery of the office.

Any other year, I'd agree with the right to think "each is an idiot". I honestly just can't fathom how anyone could not see Trump as by far the greater evil here, though.

And I think it's dangerous to just sit this out, too, because that just further empowers Trump in this climate. I trust in the Constitution to hold strong and enough checks and balances in place -- between the public and judiciary/legislative branches -- for this to not end in apocalypse, hard as Trump is trying to fumble the nuclear football right now. But I do think we're fighting for the intelligence, reputation and truth-literacy of America moving forward, if nothing else, and valuing the truth has to matter at some point.

EDIT: I got sidetracked here a bit but keeping this so as not to revise. I don't think the point anymore is Clinton v Trump or WE WON YOU LOST! I think the point is that Donald Trump is President and doing some scary shit. And we should be honest about what that is, why it's happening, talk about it, see why it does happen (what it REALLY addresses) and what can be done to make this a better country moving forward.

Of course, if you're blindly for a Muslim ban without thinking beyond that, I cannot help you.

Lov2fish 02-16-2017 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2574)
I'm sorry, but comparing Clinton's faults to Trump's faults feels incredibly weak to me.

One would be a President you disagreed with but could live with keeping the executive branch alive until you can vote for a better candidate 4 years later.

The other already has the executive branch in shambles, is embarrassing the country on an international stage and is making a mockery of the office.

Any other year, I'd agree with the right to think "each is an idiot". I honestly just can't fathom how anyone could not see Trump as by far the greater evil here, though.

And I think it's dangerous to just sit this out, too, because that just further empowers Trump in this climate. I trust in the Constitution to hold strong and enough checks and balances in place -- between the public and judiciary/legislative branches -- for this to not end in apocalypse, hard as Trump is trying to fumble the nuclear football right now. But I do think we're fighting for the intelligence, reputation and truth-literacy of America moving forward, if nothing else, and valuing the truth has to matter at some point.

EDIT: I got sidetracked here a bit but keeping this so as not to revise. I don't think the point anymore is Clinton v Trump or WE WON YOU LOST! I think the point is that Donald Trump is President and doing some scary shit. And we should be honest about what that is, why it's happening, talk about it, see why it does happen (what it REALLY addresses) and what can be done to make this a better country moving forward.

Of course, if you're blindly for a Muslim ban without thinking beyond that, I cannot help you.

That's just your partisan shining through. They both sucked. No, Hillary was not better than Trump and you can not perpetuate enough bull shit to even make that somewhat plausible. That cunt had as much or more baggage than that dufus had. They are both embarrassments to their respective party. With Trump being so unqualified, yet other than liberal Utopia Komifornia the country voted for him anyway. They did so out of frustration from failed policy the previous 8 years. Hell who we kidding, the last 3/4 of a century.

I voted for Trump. I had one reason and one reason only. Scotus. He didn't disappoint with his selection either. I hope the other ole hag retires this year, too. One more appointee and the SC will be set for damn near an entire generation. Everybody screams and shouts about both the idiots, like they are really anything other than figure heads. It's laughable really. Mattis was a good decision in his cabinet. So far he has pretty much been the only bright spot of Trumps pick sans the Scotus pick.

Now I set back and wait for the eventual collapse of this albatross. It's not even an if, it's when.

Brylok 02-16-2017 03:31 AM

At the current rate, this country is doomed. I'm glad I'm middle aged and have no children.

Colts2006 02-16-2017 06:48 AM

When I went into the voting booth....I almost voted for Johnson just because of the two top choices being so piss poor. But I ended up voting for Trump due to the SCOTUS. Hillary was a complete joke of a candidate. Its amazing that a major political party actually put her up for President. Trump isn't much better of a choice but the SCOTUS hanging in the balance forced me to vote for him.

omahacolt 02-16-2017 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Colts2006 (Post 2709)
When I went into the voting booth....I almost voted for Johnson just because of the two top choices being so piss poor. But I ended up voting for Trump due to the SCOTUS. Hillary was a complete joke of a candidate. Its amazing that a major political party actually put her up for President. Trump isn't much better of a choice but the SCOTUS hanging in the balance forced me to vote for him.

Trump was a much worse choice. Not sure how anyone can say otherwise.

i am sure Clinton would have picked a fine scotus nominee. Trump is an embarrassment to this country on a world wide level. He is a puppet for Putin.

sherck 02-16-2017 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2574)
One would be a President you disagreed with but could live with keeping the executive branch alive until you can vote for a better candidate 4 years later.

The other already has the executive branch in shambles, is embarrassing the country on an international stage and is making a mockery of the office.

"keeping the executive branch alive" Sort of like in the exact same vein as the previous President who rarely worked with Congress and tried to lone wolf everything with the use of his pen and phone?

Is that what you mean by "keeping the executive branch alive?"

Honestly, you may agree with one viewpoint of how a nation should be run over the other viewpoint (Dem or Rep) but the methods that were used to run the nation under Obama were terrible.

Both Trump and Clinton were going to continue using those same methods instead of actually trying to meet in the middle with anyone who is not a 100% supporter. Why? Because Obama showed that they can work for a short time until the other guys get into office. And then it all gets overturned.

That is a terrible way to run a nation. Finding common ground and passing laws that have general support by both sides ensures that those laws last past the end of your administration and give long term stability to the framework of how our nation is to run.

Whip sawing back and forth across the road from one side to the other is a much less effective way of driving down the road than just driving down the middle of the road.


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2574)
Of course, if you're blindly for a Muslim ban without thinking beyond that, I cannot help you.

The nations that were in the travel ban:

Libya, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia

The 10 largest Muslim nations by population:

Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco

You do realize that there is only one nation that is common to those two lists: Iran.

However, all 7 of the nations on the travel ban have been designated as nations that support the use of designated terror organizations and methods since at least 2010....and were so labeled during the Obama Administration.

Muslim ban, indeed.


GoBigBlue88 02-16-2017 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 2704)
That's just your partisan shining through. They both sucked. No, Hillary was not better than Trump and you can not perpetuate enough bull shit to even make that somewhat plausible. That cunt had as much or more baggage than that dufus had. They are both embarrassments to their respective party. With Trump being so unqualified, yet other than liberal Utopia Komifornia the country voted for him anyway. They did so out of frustration from failed policy the previous 8 years. Hell who we kidding, the last 3/4 of a century.

I voted for Trump. I had one reason and one reason only. Scotus. He didn't disappoint with his selection either. I hope the other ole hag retires this year, too. One more appointee and the SC will be set for damn near an entire generation. Everybody screams and shouts about both the idiots, like they are really anything other than figure heads. It's laughable really. Mattis was a good decision in his cabinet. So far he has pretty much been the only bright spot of Trumps pick sans the Scotus pick.

Now I set back and wait for the eventual collapse of this albatross. It's not even an if, it's when.

So, going to let you in on a secret: referring to women as cunts and being a misogynist in the year 2017 is really gross, and really suggests you shouldn't be taken seriously. "Komifornia" doesn't work much better for your argument that you made any kind of a rational, informed decision, rather than something based on total ignorance.

GoBigBlue88 02-16-2017 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by sherck (Post 2715)
"keeping the executive branch alive" Sort of like in the exact same vein as the previous President who rarely worked with Congress and tried to lone wolf everything with the use of his pen and phone?

The Congress that explicitly stated their goal was to oppose any policy or legislation he put in action? Right. Keep telling yourself the President, not the opposition-controlled Congress, was the problem. Jesus...


Originally Posted by sherck (Post 2715)

The nations that were in the travel ban:

Libya, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia

The 10 largest Muslim nations by population:

Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco

You do realize that there is only one nation that is common to those two lists: Iran.

However, all 7 of the nations on the travel ban have been designated as nations that support the use of designated terror organizations and methods since at least 2010....and were so labeled during the Obama Administration.

Muslim ban, indeed.

I was saying: if you're just blindingly for "banning Muslims" (not saying you are, the general you), I can't help you because you're inherently exclusionist (/racist/xenophobic/etc.)

If you're going to use the OBAMA SAID THESE NATIONS argument, A) exactly, which is why rigorous screening was introduced for immigrants coming in from those nations, and the "extreme vetting" proposed by Trump are just words that don't mean anything, as this policy is already in place and B) we continue to ignore Saudi Arabia, which of course presented the US with an actual terrorist influx.

The whole terrorist/Muslim/7 countries/whatever conversation completely falls apart, to me, when you look at the terrorist acts committed in the US and acknowledge how many are committed by white, native US citizens. And they're often committed with automatic weapons, by people with varying degrees of mental illness.

So Trump looking to roll back gun laws preventing certain individuals from mental illness from purchasing firearms feels particularly egregious and more the problem than anything to do with any of those 7 nations.

(And that's not even a partisan thing. Obama didn't try nearly hard enough to fight the NRA lobby either, because like most politicians, he didn't want to take on the NRA lobby.)

Lov2fish 02-16-2017 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2722)
So, going to let you in on a secret: referring to women as cunts and being a misogynist in the year 2017 is really gross, and really suggests you shouldn't be taken seriously. "Komifornia" doesn't work much better for your argument that you made any kind of a rational, informed decision, rather than something based on total ignorance.

Well, Satan was already taken. Plus there is the whole if the shoe fits wear that bitch like ya own it. Best you can do is misogynist? At least try being original. Fucking liberals are all exactly the same. It's like a bunch of robots who spew the same shit. That state is exactly what it is, a liberal utopia. Here is a hint? I wasn't looking for your fucking approval on what I replied. Believe that shit, I don't give a damn about your feelings or opinion?

GoBigBlue88 02-16-2017 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 2773)
Well, Satan was already taken. Plus there is the whole if the shoe fits wear that bitch like ya own it. Best you can do is misogynist? At least try being original. Fucking liberals are all exactly the same. It's like a bunch of robots who spew the same shit. That state is exactly what it is, a liberal utopia. Here is a hint? I wasn't looking for your fucking approval on what I replied. Believe that shit, I don't give a damn about your feelings or opinion?

So you take pride in being a gross human being. Cool.

Lov2fish 02-16-2017 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by GoBigBlue88 (Post 2774)
So you take pride in being a gross human being. Cool.

I take pride in not giving a damn what people think about me. You included. Unlike some of you sorry asses I don't play all over the internet all day looking for some kind of approval of what I am. The left needs a new shtick, cause the playbook y'all keep reading from is stale. Ya act like voting really makes a difference. If it did they wouldn't let us do it. So I Trudge on everyday not looking for anyone's approval, or caring about who's feelings I hurt. Just because you have some opinion, or you pick a side cause it makes you feel good, or you think it is some kind of special morality, guess what? It's your fucking opinion. Doesn't make you right cause you think it is. Country is full of a bunch of special little snowflakes. What a pity when the rest of the world looks in at us all they see is a bunch of little butt hurt pussies carrying signs cause some fucking moron with orange hair scares them with words.

omahacolt 02-16-2017 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 2789)
I take pride in not giving a damn what people think about me. You included. Unlike some of you sorry asses I don't play all over the internet all day looking for some kind of approval of what I am. The left needs a new shtick, cause the playbook y'all keep reading from is stale. Ya act like voting really makes a difference. If it did they wouldn't let us do it. So I Trudge on everyday not looking for anyone's approval, or caring about who's feelings I hurt. Just because you have some opinion, or you pick a side cause it makes you feel good, or you think it is some kind of special morality, guess what? It's your fucking opinion. Doesn't make you right cause you think it is. Country is full of a bunch of special little snowflakes. What a pity when the rest of the world looks in at us all they see is a bunch of little butt hurt pussies carrying signs cause some fucking moron with orange hair scares them with words.

does this mean anything at all?

rcubed 02-16-2017 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Lov2fish (Post 2789)
What a pity when the rest of the world looks in at us all they see is a bunch of little butt hurt pussies carrying signs cause some fucking moron with orange hair scares them with words.

Have you ever been to another country or paid any attention to foreign news? Protests towards governments happen all the time and sometimes in places where it can get them killed.

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