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VeveJones007 11-13-2018 02:10 PM

I don't know why, but Andrew Luck saying "I love you" to his offensive linemen before the game seems like the most Andrew Luck thing ever.

njcoltfan 11-13-2018 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by 1965southpaw (Post 91578)
lol, yes that was my favorite! Ryan! Ryan! Then about a minute later when they chest bump he goes, "that was weak, you must be tired".

Twice he says to Glowinski and AC, I was behind you pushing you a don't mind that do you? He's like a little boy in a big boy's body.

Then there was Autry at the beginning of the video telling him "you have the body to crush those fuckers every play"

I really love this fuckin guy!! When he says to Costanzo that he thinks he’s lifting his man, but not burying him in the ground yet, to me was priceless!!

1965southpaw 11-13-2018 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by njcoltfan (Post 91600)
I really love this fuckin guy!! When he says to Costanzo that he thinks he’s lifting his man, but not burying him in the ground yet, to me was priceless!!

Yes! Then in the next frame he both lifts his man and then buries him with a little tea bagging at the end. I read somewhere that his nickname at ND was Earl Grey since he has a habit of tea bagging his victims. Lol. :p

njcoltfan 11-13-2018 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by 1965southpaw (Post 91608)
Yes! Then in the next frame he both lifts his man and then buries him with a little tea bagging at the end. I read somewhere that his nickname at ND was Earl Grey since he has a habit of tea bagging his victims. Lol. :p

This OL is going to be special!!

sherck 11-13-2018 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by 1965southpaw (Post 91608)
Yes! Then in the next frame he both lifts his man and then buries him with a little tea bagging at the end. I read somewhere that his nickname at ND was Earl Grey since he has a habit of tea bagging his victims. Lol. :p

Actually, I believe that nickname was hung on him by an NFL team's scouting staff after studying film on him.

They mentioned his perchance for teabagging opponents and their nickname for him to a journo and the name circulated.

Regardless, love this kid CD and how he plays.

Walk Worthy

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Hoopsdoc 11-13-2018 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by 1965southpaw (Post 91526)

This makes me happy.

BlueStampede 11-14-2018 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by sherck (Post 91550)
Are you of the Colts website, Blue Stampede ?

Walk Worthy,

Yeah, same guy. It's been awhile. Was curious what folks were saying about Nelson.

Chaka 11-14-2018 02:43 AM

More Nelson video analysis:\

sherck 11-14-2018 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by BlueStampede (Post 91690)
Yeah, same guy. It's been awhile. Was curious what folks were saying about Nelson.

1. I was happy with the Nelson pick at #6. I wanted the O-line fixed.

2. I have not been nervious at all about his progress this season even when he was "rag dolled" a couple of times in pre-season and early in the regular season. I know that even though he was an outstanding prospect, NFL rookies often get schooled by veterans. That is how they become better.

3. And better he has become. He is rarely out of position now, rarely beat and oftent he one delivering the punishment instead. Playing like a veteran halfway into the season.

4. I was also thrilled with the signing of Smith whom I wanted pre-draft as well as the signing of Slausson. I was less excited about the pick-up of Glowinski and, obviously, he has bloomed beyond all previously shown talent level in the Colts system.

5. We are now in 2nd place with the fewest sacks allowed with 10 on the season. NO leads the league with 9 sacks given up. The 154 yards rushing we have averaged over the past 4 games would lead the league if sustained for a whole season.

6. Opponents of the pick said that an OG could not impact a game enough to warrent the #6 pick. See bullet #5 above and then think about our O-Line last year. Hmmmm.......

7. Good golly I hope these kids can stay healthy and gel even further as a group. They have a chance to become a pretty special O-line if these last 4 games is any indication.

8. O-Line free agents:


OG Mark Glowinski - Priority re-sign at NFL starter pay

OT J'Marcus Webb - Sign to solid depth contract. Liked him before injury

OT Denzelle Good - Okay with a solid depth contract but he is never healthy

Do not re-sign: Slauson (too old) and Boehm (who?).


OT Anthony Castonzo - Will be 32 at time of re-signing. As long as he is playing well, a 3 year starter level contract would be good but I would not sign him longer and we need to have a heir apperant waiting in the wings.

OG/T Joe Haeg - Re-sign to a good depth contract. Is always ready to fill in and give quality minutes

OT Le'Raven Clark - Pretty much a must re-sign as long as he continues to progress. He might be the LT heir apperant or he might just be depth but he showed this season that he can be trusted to hold down one of the OT slots.

OC Ryan Kelly - Priority Re-sign if he continues to progress.

OT Braden Smith - Priority Re-sign if he continues to progress.

OG Quinton Nelson (5th year option) - Priority re-sign even if he stays exactly like he is now (which he won't)

We are in GREAT shape in that we only have one current O-line starter coming up each year for a new contact. We don't really have to pick "either/or" on whom to sign.

We also have good depth in Clark, Haeg, Webb and Good whom have all shown starter level potential at one time or another.

I would still maintain that we need to draft an O-lineman each and every year but now none before the 3rd round unless we think they are starter LT material and have dropped well below their expected draft position for one reason or another.

Lets keep this rolling, Ballard!

Walk Worthy,

Indystu2 11-14-2018 09:00 AM

Nelson says the viral vid was edited:

Quenton Nelson didn't scream while he was delivering a crushing pancake block against Jaguars safety Barry Church during Sunday's 29–26 win, the Colts rookie guard said on Tuesday.

"I saw it got pretty viral on the internet, which was cool," Nelson told reporters on Tuesday. "(But) I wasn't yelling, not on that play. I don't know how it got amped up like that."

According to The Indianapolis Star, a Colts spokesperson told reporters that the team used audio of Nelson screaming on an earlier play and added it to the video of Nelson flattening Church into the ground for fun. The video went viral on Twitter on Monday and had more than 11,000 retweets and 37,000 likes on Tuesday afternoon.

The play from which the audio was pulled from happened late in the first half, where Nelson screamed to be a decoy during a seven-yard bootleg by Andrew Luck.

The Colts released an accurate full-length video of Nelson mic'd up on Monday.

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