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Spike 08-20-2020 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dam8610 (Post 165951)
He had peaceful protestors removed from the streets by unidentified federal agents in Portland. That is a direct violation of those protestors' first amendment rights.

Peaceful protesters? Look at that poor dude who got kicked on the back of his head in Portland, run by a damn piece of shit democrat. Is that peaceful Dam?

I am all for peaceful protesters, not fucking terrorists.

omahacolt 08-20-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166272)
Trump hasn't shit on our constitutional rights.

But here you go again Omaha, calling people names like you are still in junior high school. When are you going to grow the fuck up? Many people have left this board because you constantly attacked them. Don't call me a fucking idiot for my beliefs. If you disagree with my posts, fine. But name calling is so damn childish.

You aren’t an idiot because of your beliefs. You are an idiot because your lack of acknowledging reality.

omahacolt 08-20-2020 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166279)
Peaceful protesters? Look at that poor dude who got kicked on the back of his head in Portland, run by a damn piece of shit democrat. Is that peaceful Dam?

I am all for peaceful protesters, not fucking terrorists.

Lol terrorists?

Turn off Fox News dude. For the love of god you are brainwashed

JAFF 08-20-2020 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166270)
And yet, some of the democrats see no problem in thousands of protesters getting together.

Yeah, marching outside in a protest and singing INSIDE in a church has the same risks.

JAFF 08-20-2020 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166272)
Trump hasn't shit on our constitutional rights.

But here you go again Omaha, calling people names like you are still in junior high school. When are you going to grow the fuck up? Many people have left this board because you constantly attacked them. Don't call me a fucking idiot for my beliefs. If you disagree with my posts, fine. But name calling is so damn childish.

No, just the criminals he brought into the White House.

The Senate committee on the Russian scandal confirmed, the Trump campaign were in contact with the Russians. Dems AND GOP

Steve Bannon ran a money laundering scheme fleecing money from people to help build a wall.

17 + people of this administration have been hauled into court. Not even considering the BS over the Ukranine.

Trump has totally mismanaged this pandemic. No, he hasn't handled anything. NO ONE has been at the in control at the White House.

Spike 08-20-2020 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 166312)
Lol terrorists?

Turn off Fox News dude. For the love of god you are brainwashed

Ok, well I will turn off Fox News when you turn off CNN.

Racehorse 08-20-2020 08:38 PM

I joined this site for football. I don't care about your political leanings. Let's get back to talking football!

Spike 08-20-2020 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 166341)
Yeah, marching outside in a protest and singing INSIDE in a church has the same risks.

How do you know they don't have the same risks?
One constitutional right should not be valued over another, you have have a right to peacefully protest as well as freedom of religion. Governments have been targeting religious groups, even in the instances of congregating outside or even in their vehicles. If people can go to the grocery stores, then people should be able to go to church.

Our political leaders are picking and choosing what is deemed an exemptible risk based on political expediency, it is unacceptable and we see through their bullshit.

Spike 08-20-2020 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 166312)
Lol terrorists?

Turn off Fox News dude. For the love of god you are brainwashed

If you don't think Antifa is a terrorist group, then you are the one who is brainwashed.

JAFF 08-20-2020 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 166356)
I joined this site for football. I don't care about your political leanings. Let's get back to talking football!

Then why are you in this part of the forum? It got moved out of colts football.

Racehorse 08-21-2020 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 166360)
Then why are you in this part of the forum? It got moved out of colts football.

I click on new posts and don't check for the forum location.

omahacolt 08-21-2020 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166359)
If you don't think Antifa is a terrorist group, then you are the one who is brainwashed.

They aren’t. They aren’t shit. Antifa is just a right wing buzz word to get people like you upset.

I don’t watch cnn. Hating a national disaster and the biggest threat to this country in my lifetime (trump) is not a party issue.

I suggest everyone stop watching cable news and getting their news from Facebook.

Pez 08-21-2020 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165905)
If you love your constitutional rights don't vote for these two clowns, they will take them away. Just two fucking idiots that will destroy America. I am a gun owner and they won't take them away from me, as long as I am still alive.

Oh yeah, fuck CNN, the View and MSNCB.

It's odd to me that this is an issue with gun owners. In 8 years of Bill Clinton, your guns weren't taken away, with 8 years of Barak Obama, your guns werent taken away.

Lets look at the major gun legislation that democrats have been responsible for the brady bill (background checks) and the Assault weapons ban. Both were signed into law by Bill Clinton. The Brady law still exists, the assault weapons ban was allowed to lapse by Bush, and not renewed by Obama.

Start with Sandy Hook in 2012, pulse in 2016, the vegas bump stock shooting in 2017... there is 8 full years, four of which we had a democrat for president and no single gun control legislation has been passed.

Please educate me... Everyone was certain Clinton would take your guns away, everyone was certain Obama would take your guns away. What makes you so certain that Biden will take your guns away?

Full disclosure, I'm as liberal as they come, and own a handgun, it's actually a pretty decent Glock. I keep it in my house locked up, as it's my right to do so.

Chromeburn 08-21-2020 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166353)
Ok, well I will turn off Fox News when you turn off CNN.

You should. I watch both, but I like to get news from multiple angles. But Fox is really egregious. The purposefully do not report things. Manipulate through their wording of issues. And shift focus away from just about anything that might make republicans look bad. For example they had the Bannon arrest on front page for just a little bit yesterday, now it’s buried. But the arrest of the Portland scumbag has been there all day. Not to say what the Portland guy did was good, but it was assault of a single person. How many people did Bannon affect and he is directly tied to the president.

Chromeburn 08-21-2020 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166357)
How do you know they don't have the same risks?
One constitutional right should not be valued over another, you have have a right to peacefully protest as well as freedom of religion. Governments have been targeting religious groups, even in the instances of congregating outside or even in their vehicles. If people can go to the grocery stores, then people should be able to go to church.

Our political leaders are picking and choosing what is deemed an exemptible risk based on political expediency, it is unacceptable and we see through their bullshit.

This is not the same thing. Apples and oranges. People need to go to the grocery to buy food to survive. You can worship at home, or join a group webcast, or even go to an outside area and practice social distancing if you have to do it in a crowd. It is not necessary to your survival to go to a church. And we don’t HAVE to go to the grocery, we can order online and have them delivered. Finally, people aren’t going to the grocery at the same time on a certain day of the week.

I know I don’t have to explain this stuff. You know it’s not the same. And yes people are protesting, and its not all about George Floyd. The anti maskers are all over the place like that protest in Sacramento. They were allowed to do it.

Chromeburn 08-21-2020 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pez (Post 166379)
It's odd to me that this is an issue with gun owners. In 8 years of Bill Clinton, your guns weren't taken away, with 8 years of Barak Obama, your guns werent taken away.

Lets look at the major gun legislation that democrats have been responsible for the brady bill (background checks) and the Assault weapons ban. Both were signed into law by Bill Clinton. The Brady law still exists, the assault weapons ban was allowed to lapse by Bush, and not renewed by Obama.

Start with Sandy Hook in 2012, pulse in 2016, the vegas bump stock shooting in 2017... there is 8 full years, four of which we had a democrat for president and no single gun control legislation has been passed.

Please educate me... Everyone was certain Clinton would take your guns away, everyone was certain Obama would take your guns away. What makes you so certain that Biden will take your guns away?

Full disclosure, I'm as liberal as they come, and own a handgun, it's actually a pretty decent Glock. I keep it in my house locked up, as it's my right to do so.

Honestly, I think it’s group think and a lack of exposure to other ideas. And really no one gives a shit if the average person owns a gun (only the most extreme people care, and well you can find those for any cause). People just want them out of the hands of the crazies. They want to know their kid is safe at school or wherever. I was in Vegas for that mass shooting and four of my cousins were at the actual concert. We lead the world in mass shootings, but yet we can’t even have a conversation about solutions without it devolving into “not gonna take my guns.”

But if we have a zombie apocalypse, we should be in pretty good shape.

JAFF 08-21-2020 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 166371)
I click on new posts and don't check for the forum location.

I believe you. Sorry to question you, my apologies

Racehorse 08-24-2020 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by JAFF (Post 166435)
I believe you. Sorry to question you, my apologies

Never do it again

JAFF 08-25-2020 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Racehorse (Post 166528)
Never do it again

Fat chance, now

Pez 08-26-2020 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 166279)
Peaceful protesters? Look at that poor dude who got kicked on the back of his head in Portland, run by a damn piece of shit democrat. Is that peaceful Dam?

I am all for peaceful protesters, not fucking terrorists.

So if you over generalize, I can do the same yea? How about the police in Fort Wayne taking Balin's eye with a tear gas canister to the face:

So he's a terrorist, right? The police asked him to leave, despite his right to be there is guaranteed in the constitution. I guess you would have us believe that he is a terrorist.

I would think if he were a terrorist, he might have, I dunno, been charged with something? Surely there was some sort of terrorist act the police witnessed that the (republican) prosecutor can, um prosecute?

See, you say every single protestor is a terrorist and I am saying every single police officer is corrupt and brutal.

Don't we both sound incredibly stupid?

Pez 08-26-2020 02:43 PM

ok, so this thread is "Dont vote for Biden - Harris".... Thats cool, typically I would be more interested in reasons to vote for someone rather than knee jerk reason to vote against someone (here they come to get my guns!).

I found a list the other day:

1. Trump said he would impose a hiring freeze on federal employees
- Nothing has happened on this since April of 2017.

2. Trump said he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it.
- no, thisa did not happen. Trump has built 93 miles of wall and you and I have paid for it.

3. Trump said he would deport all undocumented immigrants
- no, this hasn't happened, nor has he even come up with a cohesive immigration policy

4. Trump said he would eliminate gun free zones at schools
- No, barely any progress. Some say he didnt want to create any new gun laws because the NRA likes things the way they are. the Last part is conjecture, but there are still a lot of gun-free zones in schools

5. Trump said he would invest $550 billion in infrastructure
- no, none of that happened

6. Trump said he would balance the budget "fairly quickly"
- No, 2017 was $503B, 2018 was $779B 2019 was $984B... I dont even want to think about 2020, at least there was a portion of 2020 that would not be his fault (entirely)

7. Trump said he would release his tax forms when an audit was completed
- yea, that never happened

8. Trump said he would enact term limits
- nothing but crickets

9. Trump said he would increase the size of the Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers.
- there are currently 475,000 soldiers in the US Army, unchanged since 2016. Trump actually diverted military funding to build his 93 miles of wall (state of emergency). Note that the border between US and mexico is 1954 miles long. He has spent $11 billion so far, $20 million per mile, and he has 1856 miles to go.

Lets give him a bit of credit for the economy. He has kept the ship from foundering, one has to admit that the actions of his predecessor had something to do with it, but sure, lets give him some credit. I do think it's incredibly foolish to cut taxes in a growing economy, but surely he has people around him that would help him understand how it all works.

Oh, those people around the last 3.5 years, his staff has had a turnover rate of 89%. 40% of these positions have turned over more than once.

But yea, there is a microscopic chance within a microscopic chance that Biden might take your guns. Hard to risk it.

(credit to Leigh Morris, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Aug 2020)

Oh, forgot, he was suppossed to repeal and replace Obamacare. He didn't do that either. He actually promised that twice... once when he was elected and again on Fox news about two months ago. His first promise seemed in good faith, his second promise was just complete bullshit.

JAFF 08-26-2020 07:35 PM

Trump also shut down the pandemic office set up by GW Bush. They had a pre built playbook and plan. 180 000 deaths later, a broken economy, exhausted medical professionals, and a struggling ed system, he basically failed this nation. The buck stops at POTUS’ desk. How can he be re elected?

Oh, and senators from bth sides concluded that Trumps campaign colluded with the Russians.

Spike 08-26-2020 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pez (Post 166726)
So if you over generalize, I can do the same yea? How about the police in Fort Wayne taking Balin's eye with a tear gas canister to the face:

So he's a terrorist, right? The police asked him to leave, despite his right to be there is guaranteed in the constitution. I guess you would have us believe that he is a terrorist.

I would think if he were a terrorist, he might have, I dunno, been charged with something? Surely there was some sort of terrorist act the police witnessed that the (republican) prosecutor can, um prosecute?

See, you say every single protestor is a terrorist and I am saying every single police officer is corrupt and brutal.

Don't we both sound incredibly stupid?

I never said every protestor was a terrorist. I have even made the comment that I am all for peaceful protests.

Maniac 08-28-2020 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pez (Post 166727)
ok, so this thread is "Dont vote for Biden - Harris".... Thats cool, typically I would be more interested in reasons to vote for someone rather than knee jerk reason to vote against someone (here they come to get my guns!).

I found a list the other day:

1. Trump said he would impose a hiring freeze on federal employees
- Nothing has happened on this since April of 2017.

2. Trump said he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it.
- no, thisa did not happen. Trump has built 93 miles of wall and you and I have paid for it.

3. Trump said he would deport all undocumented immigrants
- no, this hasn't happened, nor has he even come up with a cohesive immigration policy

4. Trump said he would eliminate gun free zones at schools
- No, barely any progress. Some say he didnt want to create any new gun laws because the NRA likes things the way they are. the Last part is conjecture, but there are still a lot of gun-free zones in schools

5. Trump said he would invest $550 billion in infrastructure
- no, none of that happened

6. Trump said he would balance the budget "fairly quickly"
- No, 2017 was $503B, 2018 was $779B 2019 was $984B... I dont even want to think about 2020, at least there was a portion of 2020 that would not be his fault (entirely)

7. Trump said he would release his tax forms when an audit was completed
- yea, that never happened

8. Trump said he would enact term limits
- nothing but crickets

9. Trump said he would increase the size of the Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers.
- there are currently 475,000 soldiers in the US Army, unchanged since 2016. Trump actually diverted military funding to build his 93 miles of wall (state of emergency). Note that the border between US and mexico is 1954 miles long. He has spent $11 billion so far, $20 million per mile, and he has 1856 miles to go.

Lets give him a bit of credit for the economy. He has kept the ship from foundering, one has to admit that the actions of his predecessor had something to do with it, but sure, lets give him some credit. I do think it's incredibly foolish to cut taxes in a growing economy, but surely he has people around him that would help him understand how it all works.

Oh, those people around the last 3.5 years, his staff has had a turnover rate of 89%. 40% of these positions have turned over more than once.

But yea, there is a microscopic chance within a microscopic chance that Biden might take your guns. Hard to risk it.

(credit to Leigh Morris, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Aug 2020)

Oh, forgot, he was suppossed to repeal and replace Obamacare. He didn't do that either. He actually promised that twice... once when he was elected and again on Fox news about two months ago. His first promise seemed in good faith, his second promise was just complete bullshit.

Good points.

Not only has he not released his taxes as he said he "gladly would", but he filed lawsuits to stop them from getting released. Do Trump supporters not find this odd at all that someone would claim they would happily release their returns and then fights like hell to not allow their release? Oh and he was not under audit. That was a lie.

Not only has he not replaced Obamacare, but he has no actual proposal for a replacement system for it.

As far as the turnover on his staff, let's look and see what those people who were around him closely quite a bit think of him:

Sean Hannity: “Trump is a batshit crazy person,”

Miles Taylor former DHS chief : "He was one of the most unfocused and undisciplined senior executives I’ve ever encountered. I came away completely convinced, based on firsthand experience, that the president was ill-equipped, and wouldn’t become equipped, to do his job effectively. And what’s worse was actively doing damage to our security."

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader”

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged”

Omarosa Manigault Newman claimed that Trump is a “racist, misogynist and bigot”

Ann Coulter called Trump a "complete moron" and "The most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office "

Both Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an “idiot”

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in November 2017 that Trump was “like an 11-year-old child”

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a “moron”

Former economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was “dumb as shit”

Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said Trump was a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner”

That's what his close friends/advisors think of him. I don't see how people fall for that con man.

JAFF 08-28-2020 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 166897)
Good points.

Not only has he not released his taxes as he said he "gladly would", but he filed lawsuits to stop them from getting released. Do Trump supporters not find this odd at all that someone would claim they would happily release their returns and then fights like hell to not allow their release? Oh and he was not under audit. That was a lie.

Not only has he not replaced Obamacare, but he has no actual proposal for a replacement system for it.

As far as the turnover on his staff, let's look and see what those people who were around him closely quite a bit think of him:

Sean Hannity: “Trump is a batshit crazy person,”

Miles Taylor former DHS chief : "He was one of the most unfocused and undisciplined senior executives I’ve ever encountered. I came away completely convinced, based on firsthand experience, that the president was ill-equipped, and wouldn’t become equipped, to do his job effectively. And what’s worse was actively doing damage to our security."

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader”

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged”

Omarosa Manigault Newman claimed that Trump is a “racist, misogynist and bigot”

Ann Coulter called Trump a "complete moron" and "The most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office "

Both Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an “idiot”

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in November 2017 that Trump was “like an 11-year-old child”

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a “moron”

Former economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was “dumb as shit”

Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said Trump was a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner”

That's what his close friends/advisors think of him. I don't see how people fall for that con man.

He tells them what they want to hear

Chromeburn 08-31-2020 01:49 PM

Hey guys I just want to say I hope we can keep this discussion civil and open-minded to exchange ideas. I think part of the problem today is a lack of civil discourse on issues. Either side shuts down and withdraws or it turns into a screaming match of insults. And polarization results in nothing getting fixed. I am really not in favor of that, all it does is create bitterness. Just my 2 cents.

Chromeburn 08-31-2020 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Maniac (Post 166897)
Good points.

Not only has he not released his taxes as he said he "gladly would", but he filed lawsuits to stop them from getting released. Do Trump supporters not find this odd at all that someone would claim they would happily release their returns and then fights like hell to not allow their release? Oh and he was not under audit. That was a lie.

Not only has he not replaced Obamacare, but he has no actual proposal for a replacement system for it.

As far as the turnover on his staff, let's look and see what those people who were around him closely quite a bit think of him:

Sean Hannity: “Trump is a batshit crazy person,”

Miles Taylor former DHS chief : "He was one of the most unfocused and undisciplined senior executives I’ve ever encountered. I came away completely convinced, based on firsthand experience, that the president was ill-equipped, and wouldn’t become equipped, to do his job effectively. And what’s worse was actively doing damage to our security."

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader”

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged”

Omarosa Manigault Newman claimed that Trump is a “racist, misogynist and bigot”

Ann Coulter called Trump a "complete moron" and "The most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office "

Both Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an “idiot”

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in November 2017 that Trump was “like an 11-year-old child”

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a “moron”

Former economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was “dumb as shit”

Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said Trump was a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner”

That's what his close friends/advisors think of him. I don't see how people fall for that con man.

People underestimate Trump because he excels in the most important area in order to get elected, messaging. He is a master at delivering a message and beating it into peoples brains. There are numerous videos on youtube analyzing his style and delivery. He is a very good salesman, especially when it comes to himself, and knows how to put on a show. Although that speech at the RNC was boring and out of character.

But once you get past tha, all you see is a guy who likes to argue but doesn't really know anything. He is good at comebacks and one liners, but when pressed he can't give definitive answers.

Everything Trump knows

Even when asked about the bible, he literally doesn't know any bible passages. You don't have to be religious to be president. But he lies and says it is his favorite book. Yet can't name a single verse.

The Bible is the bestest book and my favorite.

This next video is an interesting piece. Basically this investigative reporter fed Trump false information about the casino business to see how he would react. This is basic business sense and things Trump should know and call bullshit on. He not only didn't know it was BS, he embraced it and started using it. Found here. But I really reccommend watching this because just about everythign this guy predicted has come true. And if you're wondering about his background, he states it, he is republican, not particulary political. He is a pulitzer winning jounalist, and has been covering Trump for nearly 30 years.

If you can't sit through it, go to the 47:20 mark for some telling predictions.

Colts And Orioles 09-01-2020 04:23 PM


From the master ........ 24 years ago, in 1996 ........

“Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens ...... this is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. And term-limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans."


Pez 09-02-2020 08:50 AM

This post finds me a bit jaded and melancholy today. Here's our covid story, assume a family of four, living in same house with one shower:

1. Pez got a runny nose on 25th august, then on 26th august, was aching as if he had a fever but did not present with a fever, was down for the count, slept 16 straight hours, then felt better by end of day 26th

2. 12 year old son came home from school complaining his head hurt on 26th. He had water and acetaminophen and went to bed. Called in to school on 27th (Thursday is one of the 3x days he is physically supposed to go to school).

3. other two pez family members feel fine, normal and healthy

4. A houseguest came over for dinner on Sunday 23rd. Houseguest called a couple days later and said she had a fever, chest and nasal congestion, and lost her sense of taste. She had just returned from her covid test on 27th (thursday)

5. So Pez decided it was prudent to get everyone tested and was able to do so by Friday 28th. (2 days after my initial symptoms, two days after Pex Jr's sons initial symptoms)

6. Houseguest (the dinner guest from monday 23rd) got her positive results back on Monday, 31st

7. Family of four got test results back on tuesday, 1 sep:

Pez: positive, symptoms markedly improving
Jr. Pez: positive, symptoms improving, but more slowly
Mrs. Pez: positive, no symptoms at all
Daughter Pez: negative, no symptoms at all

So why the hell is this post in the political thread??? Well....

1. My kids go to two different schools within the same school system. Each school has slightly different rules as to how long the kids should be quarantined before they will be allowed to go back to school.

2. CDC and ISDH say that a positive test (and symptoms) means that you need to quarantine for 10 days from your first symptom, after which you will no longer be contagious. The CDC and ISDH do not have guidelines for how Long you should quarantine with a postive test and no symptoms (it's 10 days from the test btw)

3. So my quarantine is done this friday the 4th, however I will still be exposed to my son, who is supposed to stay quarantined until 5th, and will still be exposed to my wife, who is to be quarantined until 14th.

4. Should be daughter stay quarantined 14 days after the last person's quarantine has ended? theoretically, my daughter could get covid 2 days before that ends, and then give it back to all of us.

In any case, I'm presenting some confusion here...

My city government (in the form of my school corporation) is failing because they are not presenting consistent information to parents about their policies. My state government is failing as they have clearly opened schools far too early (they have already back tracked from one of the in-person days).
My federal government is failing because the information it is presenting is inconsistent and inaccurate.

Until Pez in northeast Indiana can go to a single website and find out precisely how long I need to quarantine my children:

- Trump can talk all he wants about when he closed the border to China, he is still failing, because I cannot get the information I need.
- Eric Holcomb can issue the 3rd continuation of stage 4.5, but I still cant get the information I need.
- Tom Henry can put together is one-page link of Covid resources but I still don't know precisely how long I should quarantine my kids.

So has our government failed us in their response to COVID-19. Yes, they have. They have done so across all political parties and across all levels of government.

The worst part is that they are still failing. The length of time a family should quarantine itself should be known, bulletproof and 100% unequivocal. We've been working on this covid thing for 9 months.

omahacolt 09-02-2020 11:35 AM

Glad you all are ok, Pez

JAFF 09-02-2020 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pez (Post 167180)
This post finds me a bit jaded and melancholy today. Here's our covid story, assume a family of four, living in same house with one shower:

1. Pez got a runny nose on 25th august, then on 26th august, was aching as if he had a fever but did not present with a fever, was down for the count, slept 16 straight hours, then felt better by end of day 26th

2. 12 year old son came home from school complaining his head hurt on 26th. He had water and acetaminophen and went to bed. Called in to school on 27th (Thursday is one of the 3x days he is physically supposed to go to school).

3. other two pez family members feel fine, normal and healthy

4. A houseguest came over for dinner on Sunday 23rd. Houseguest called a couple days later and said she had a fever, chest and nasal congestion, and lost her sense of taste. She had just returned from her covid test on 27th (thursday)

5. So Pez decided it was prudent to get everyone tested and was able to do so by Friday 28th. (2 days after my initial symptoms, two days after Pex Jr's sons initial symptoms)

6. Houseguest (the dinner guest from monday 23rd) got her positive results back on Monday, 31st

7. Family of four got test results back on tuesday, 1 sep:

Pez: positive, symptoms markedly improving
Jr. Pez: positive, symptoms improving, but more slowly
Mrs. Pez: positive, no symptoms at all
Daughter Pez: negative, no symptoms at all

So why the hell is this post in the political thread??? Well....

1. My kids go to two different schools within the same school system. Each school has slightly different rules as to how long the kids should be quarantined before they will be allowed to go back to school.

2. CDC and ISDH say that a positive test (and symptoms) means that you need to quarantine for 10 days from your first symptom, after which you will no longer be contagious. The CDC and ISDH do not have guidelines for how Long you should quarantine with a postive test and no symptoms (it's 10 days from the test btw)

3. So my quarantine is done this friday the 4th, however I will still be exposed to my son, who is supposed to stay quarantined until 5th, and will still be exposed to my wife, who is to be quarantined until 14th.

4. Should be daughter stay quarantined 14 days after the last person's quarantine has ended? theoretically, my daughter could get covid 2 days before that ends, and then give it back to all of us.

In any case, I'm presenting some confusion here...

My city government (in the form of my school corporation) is failing because they are not presenting consistent information to parents about their policies. My state government is failing as they have clearly opened schools far too early (they have already back tracked from one of the in-person days).
My federal government is failing because the information it is presenting is inconsistent and inaccurate.

Until Pez in northeast Indiana can go to a single website and find out precisely how long I need to quarantine my children:

- Trump can talk all he wants about when he closed the border to China, he is still failing, because I cannot get the information I need.
- Eric Holcomb can issue the 3rd continuation of stage 4.5, but I still cant get the information I need.
- Tom Henry can put together is one-page link of Covid resources but I still don't know precisely how long I should quarantine my kids.

So has our government failed us in their response to COVID-19. Yes, they have. They have done so across all political parties and across all levels of government.

The worst part is that they are still failing. The length of time a family should quarantine itself should be known, bulletproof and 100% unequivocal. We've been working on this covid thing for 9 months.

I understand completely. Back in March, when my grandkids started on line learning, my wife went to Indy to help. Basically, she didn't get home until the end of May. Between my kids and grand kids and who they might have been exposed to, she couldn't leave and I couldn't visit. So far, following the rules and not pushing boundaries, we have stayed safe.

All I can say to anyone out there is to quote the Colts GM. Put on a mask, its not about you.

Chromeburn 09-02-2020 09:22 PM

Stay safe Pez. Its a rough time, and I wish information and guidelines were more clear.

We are about to hit a turning point with about 40 million people facing eviction, that is about 12% of the population.

We could be looking at a homeless crisis not seen since... the great depression maybe.

Also I wanted to share a good documentary that is very illuminating.
The brainwashing of my dad

JAFF 09-04-2020 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chromeburn (Post 167254)
Stay safe Pez. Its a rough time, and I wish information and guidelines were more clear.

We are about to hit a turning point with about 40 million people facing eviction, that is about 12% of the population.

We could be looking at a homeless crisis not seen since... the great depression maybe.

Also I wanted to share a good documentary that is very illuminating.
The brainwashing of my dad

There are too many dumbasses out there, you need to protect yourself. The long term effects of the virus are showing up, and its not pretty. Wear a mask, protect those you love. Darwinian evolution will sort out the idiots who thought this was a game

Kray007 09-06-2020 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165905)
If you love your constitutional rights don't vote for these two clowns, they will take them away. Just two fucking idiots that will destroy America. I am a gun owner and they won't take them away from me, as long as I am still alive.

Oh yeah, fuck CNN, the View and MSNCB.

Spike, I know that the President keeps saying that Democrats are against guns, but tell me when, if ever, a Democratic President actually tried to regulate anything other than assault weapons?

Kray007 09-06-2020 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165919)
I don't agree with everything Trump says or tweets. Is he a liar and a con man, hell yes he is. But what politician isn't?

Do you really think the democrats give two shits about you?????

I live in California and it is run by democrats. Newsome, Waters, Harris, Pelosi etc... SF use to be a great city and now there is shit on the sidewalks.

I only voted for Trump because I hated that corrupt POS Hillary. I personally don't trust anyone in the political arena. The only one I know who I can trust is myself. I just don't like the leftist agenda. Maybe I am just stupid and my wife would probably agree with you, well, not probably, she would definitely agree with you all.

Look Maniac, I only want what is best for this country and I am sure you feel the same way. Is Trump perfect, hell no he's not. He's just better than some of the democrats running against him. That's my final word on the subject.

Spike, Joe Biden's spent the entirety of his political career smack dab in the middle of the Democratic party. If he is elected President, he's not going to, all of a sudden, become the reincarnation of Joe Stalin.

Kray007 09-06-2020 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 165949)
Biden has stated he wants a limit on gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

I live in California who has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation, but it looks like the NRA won a court battle here.

Spike, or anyone, explain to me why limiting mags to 10 rounds is a bad idea? If that's Biden's worst sin against the 2nd Amendment, even the NRA should sleep soundly, tonight.

Spike 09-06-2020 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kray007 (Post 167636)
Spike, or anyone, explain to me why limiting mags to 10 rounds is a bad idea? If that's Biden's worst sin against the 2nd Amendment, even the NRA should sleep soundly, tonight.

Just an example of democratically run California.

They keep chipping away the guns we can buy. Can't even buy a 10 round Ruger Bull Barrel 22 here anymore. Luckily I got one before they banned that gun. Each year, they take more guns off the list that are 10 round magazines or less.

Here's how stupid the law is here in California, a Ruger Bull Barrel 22 is illegal here, Why? But I can still buy a 40 caliber Glock, well at least for now anyways.

My fear, and maybe it is an unfounded fear, is that once they start chipping away, when will it stop?

omahacolt 09-07-2020 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 167644)
Just an example of democratically run California.

They keep chipping away the guns we can buy. Can't even buy a 10 round Ruger Bull Barrel 22 here anymore. Luckily I got one before they banned that gun. Each year, they take more guns off the list that are 10 round magazines or less.

Here's how stupid the law is here in California, a Ruger Bull Barrel 22 is illegal here, Why? But I can still buy a 40 caliber Glock, well at least for now anyways.

My fear, and maybe it is an unfounded fear, is that once they start chipping away, when will it stop?

Who is actually after your guns? Nobody.

JAFF 09-09-2020 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 167750)
Who is actually after your guns? Nobody.

Common sense will not matter.

There are far too many honest gun owners that should not be punished because of criminals.

Spike 09-15-2020 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by omahacolt (Post 167750)
Who is actually after your guns? Nobody.


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