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IndyNorm 02-07-2018 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by DrSpaceman (Post 54784)
I don't care what the rule is, there is no way I would pay those assistants a dime and I would tear up their contracts.

If they sue over it, great, I drag the NFL, Kraft, McDaniels and every last one of those pieces of shit into court over it as well.

And Ballard better get a new damn agent if he and McDaniels have the same one now

I disagree. It's not their fault McDaniels is a complete piece of shit and fucked them over. The right thing to do is give them first interviews with the new head coach and see if they're a good fit. If not then pay them their agreed upon salary for the first year and let them walk (and yes maybe try to legally claim that from those shitheads Kraft and MdDickhead).

IndyNorm 02-07-2018 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by daedge (Post 54860)
Yep, fresh concerns from a number of doctors, who believe Luck needs to go back under the knife.

Hate to say it, but Luck having another surgery and/or being done is the only thing that makes sense as to why this happened. Even if Belicheat retires tomorrow Brady will only be there 1-2 more years and there's no suitable replacement in place. Plus McDickface pretty much committed NFL HC suicide outside of NE by doing this.

Of course trading Jay Cutler for Kyle Orton and moving up and drafting Tim Tebow in the 1st round makes no sense, so maybe McDickface is just incompetent outside of the Cheats organization.

ChoppedWood 02-07-2018 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 54868)
Where is this being reported?

I hear there are also some doctors who believe that smoking can cause cancer so take this for what it is worth....

Jim Irsay looks like a punk right now.

By the end of the day he should have Frank Reich at the podium announcing him as the new HC and immediately thereafter Jim should openly state that it is now this team's sole objective to get into the playoffs next year, not to win a SB, but just to play NE and attempt to break the legs of as many players as possible starting with that punk ass #12. The NFL needs some good ol' out in the open hatred and if we don't use this as a means to bring that back, then fuck Jim and his bags of opiates.

Grow a pair MF'er!

njcoltfan 02-07-2018 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Hoopsdoc (Post 54779)
Wow, what a dick move.

A few questions-why would the McDaniels wait until the colts announced it before backing out? What other reason could there be than to screw them over as much as possible?

Also, it’s beyond obvious he’s been promised the pats job when Belicheat retires, how is that not ignoring the Rooney rule?

I don’t think we’ve heard the last of this.

This is the biggest dick move anyone’s made since....well, since Belicheat screwed over the Jets.

Exactly!!! He learned from the 2 biggest assholes to ever walk this earth, Kraft and Belichick!!

albany ed 02-07-2018 07:32 AM

I hope he is heir apparent to BB. But, I have a sinking feeling that once he agreed to contract, he was given the bad news about Luck's condition and then he backed out. I hope I'm wrong and the reason is the former, but it makes more sense if he got full disclosure on Luck's condition once the SB was over.

DrSpaceman 02-07-2018 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by albany ed (Post 54886)
I hope he is heir apparent to BB. But, I have a sinking feeling that once he agreed to contract, he was given the bad news about Luck's condition and then he backed out. I hope I'm wrong and the reason is the former, but it makes more sense if he got full disclosure on Luck's condition once the SB was over.

that makes no sense at all. There is no way the Colts would basically lie to him about Luck and do all this, then tell him at the last minute. That would be absolutely stupid for an organization

I am sure Luck's status was the very first thing discussed with pretty much every single coach they interviewed.

HoosierinFL 02-07-2018 09:11 AM

It's not Luck guys, quit being so dramatic. It says right in the original reports, this is because of Kraft, obv making an offer McDick couldn't refuse, just so he could fuck over the Colts. Fuck that entire organization. But it's not Luck.

Pez 02-07-2018 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by albany ed (Post 54886)
I hope he is heir apparent to BB. But, I have a sinking feeling that once he agreed to contract, he was given the bad news about Luck's condition and then he backed out. I hope I'm wrong and the reason is the former, but it makes more sense if he got full disclosure on Luck's condition once the SB was over.

In terms of conspiracy theories, this makes less sense that Kraft being vindictive about deflategate.

What makes the most sense to me is that McDaniels backed out due to a general lack of integrity, and a general surplus of douchebaggery.

I was pretty high on the McDaniels hire, but now I think we actually dodged a bullet.

Mr. Session 02-07-2018 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pez (Post 54893)
In terms of conspiracy theories, this makes less sense that Kraft being vindictive about deflategate.

What makes the most sense to me is that McDaniels backed out due to a general lack of integrity, and a general surplus of douchebaggery.

I was pretty high on the McDaniels hire, but now I think we actually dodged a bullet.

I was high on it too. I've wanted McDaniels for two years now.

No guarantee he didn't pull some bullshit like this in 2-3 years anyway once Belichick stepped down. I agree, in the long run we probably dodged a bullet.

rcubed 02-07-2018 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pez (Post 54893)
In terms of conspiracy theories, this makes less sense that Kraft being vindictive about deflategate.

What makes the most sense to me is that McDaniels backed out due to a general lack of integrity, and a general surplus of douchebaggery.

I was pretty high on the McDaniels hire, but now I think we actually dodged a bullet.

oh I think kraft is totally vindictive about deflategate, but I think its more like icing on the cake. he decided he wanted mcliar back and it was just sweeter that he screwed us in the process. They are all pricks with no integrity.

I hope bill retires soon and brady with him and mcliar is left with an organization that circles the drain.

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